Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bushnell Trophy Trs-25 Eur. De

GRIFONI have won!

Life Catholic
weekly friuli
Friday, February 11, 2011
page 19


From Trieste was put an end to a case that has confronted the municipalities of the Friuli and Forgaria Trasaghis

They won the griffins

The Region, in fact, a opinion impact assessment (EIA) negative has stopped the planned construction of a park and either lic in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bTrasaghis. From Trieste was, therefore, the pa rola put an end to a story in recent months has created more than a few friction putting in front of two municipalities and their reasons. From one hand, the team of Trasaghis, gui given by Mayor Peak Augustus, who would have to rent the land to a private firm to enable the realization tion system, consisting of 5 wind turbines. Dall'altro il confinante Comune di Forgaria, con il sindaco Pierluigi Molinaro e il vice Enrico Frucco in prima fila a manifestare nettissima contrarietà alla prospettiva di impianta re le pale eoliche, ritenute troppo peri colose e non garanti di una convivenza pacifica con i grifoni.

I rapaci, infatti,
proprio in questa zona sono ritornati a vivere e, soprattutto, nidificare, grazie a un percorso di reinserimento e ricerca al quale sta lavorando da vent'anni la Riserva naturale Lake Cornino .

But the mayor of Trasaghis if condo which on this occasion " environmental positions, out of which any logic states, were ace solutely exasperated " and" shocked and sorry 'by regional decision, waiting to read the motivations that led him to reject the initiative, raised "whether there are steps to be taken to the next not ve DERE wasted three years of study led to boast that the company has identified our common reaction is most suited for competing plant. If, however, the pa Rere Region proves insuperable - adds - the wind farm will close the discussion here, we consider co RONMENT a valid project to develop bit. "

A Forgaria Instead, you pull a sigh of relief and points out: "It was not a political battle or to win a challenge, even though by many to be was triggered a sharp controversy - there's Molinaro -. It was our duty tutela re la presenza dei grifoni in zona, anche se si fosse trattato di un unico esempla re. Per questo, riteniamo che la Regione non abbia dato ragione all'una o all'al tra opinione, ma abbia piuttosto rico nosciuto il giusto valore naturalistico del territorio e del progetto "grifone", visti gli ingenti investimenti fatti in que sto ventennio».

E l'habitat friulano appare particolar mente gradito ai grifoni tanto da rap presentare l'unico luogo in tutte le Alpi a ospitare una popolazione nidificante. And if the winter there is the presence of eighty specimens, during the summer there are about 140 coming from the neighbors as well as parks Hohe Tauern in Austria, Triglav in Slovenia and the reserve of Cres in Croatia , also from France, Greece, Spain and Israel.

Monika Pasture


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Progetto Grifoni


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