Monday, January 31, 2011

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" Who asks to centralize tut to

in reality it does not save,

but to move

balances the current decision. "


The Catholic life

Weekly Friuli
Archdiocese of Udine

Friday, January 28, 2011

BEWARE The false


Editorial Roberto Think

For Regional Health is the time to do a 'cut'. , said the Regional Minister for Health, Vladimir Kosice, explaining Tuesday, January 25 at the third regional advisers Commission management guidelines in 2011 that network services should ensure that all pre prevention and appropriate treatment. now for 30 years now, when someone proposed to make a 'cut' or a revision of health, means that there is going to cut something . The problem of resources, explained the same sore asses, is central: "Every 15 years, we need to do the cutting, to improve a system that can not stand still, because you can not spend like 15 years ago. " On the other hand, the data speak for themselves.

In 2001, the regional health expenses am montava ad 1 miliardo e 365 milioni di euro. Nel 2010 è arrivata a circa 2 miliardi e 245 milioni. Insomma, manca un soffio al rad doppio, nonostante tutte le misure di contenimento della spesa e della durata delle de genze applicate nel decennio. Ben di più dei tassi di inflazione, segno dei bisogni di salu te sempre più complessi di una popolazione che invecchia, ma anche spia di una cre scente applicazione di tecnologia che, se da un lato consente risultati di eccellenza, dal l'altro assorbe una gran quantità di risorse.

Questa volta l'approccio ai «tagli» sembra essere più soft, ancorché potenzialmente non meno doloroso. Non si usa la «man naia» per tagliare interi ospedali, come ne gli anni '80 e '90, ma il cesello per valutare i volumi di attività di ciascun nosocomio e struttura sanitaria territoriale e comprendere come siano strutturate, all'interno di ogni Azienda, le aree dirigenziali, per anda re a snidare gli sprechi.

Non tutte le «razionalizzazioni», però, rappresentano una semplice «sforbiciata» inefficiency. is therefore vital that the public and local governments (provinces and municipalities) should take the high attention them about what's happening in health care on the territory river, especially the most penalized (like mountain) or peripheral.

Particular atten tion it deserves, certainly, a proposal already advanced at the time of the previous junction ta regional led by Riccardo Illy, but still maintains a wide range policy cally cross supporters: the creation zione di un'unica azienda socio-sanitaria per tutto il Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Tant'è che proprio prima che Kosic prendesse la parola, alla terza commissione era stata presen tata una proposta di legge in tal senso da parte dei consiglieri del Pdl Dal Mas e Pedi cini.

A prima vista è una proposta accattivante : se bisogna risparmiare, perché non partire dal «pletorico sistema vigente, strutturato tra pubblico e privato su 18 aziende»? Pertanto, hanno sostenuto i proponenti, «l'obiettivo è la riqualificazione organizational and administrative structures of the regional health service, aimed at recovery perare resources to improve the quality of Services.

But there is something wrong . Innana zitutto know that there is now strong imbalance in the allocation of funds, the Tondo junta has pledged to balance (albeit on a very long time). For a city of Trieste, is spent annually for health 2550 €. If you live in the province of Udine has available to only 1933, and be worse in Pordenone (1724 €) and especially in Gorizia (1628) . Dalla Venezia Giulia defend themselves by saying that there, the population lation is older and has more neces sity. But we understand that the underlying reason is an excessive centralization historic ser vices in Trieste, which you can not (or do not want ) cure.

The point is this: today know this information because the territory regional is divided into six health care companies, each with its own budget. Tomorrow, with a unique company, the allocation of resources would be so transparent, even still evil?

The second reason is perhaps more philosophical, though no less important. Old USL originated as organisms in which the insti local institutions (primarily municipalities) dictated no priorities in health policies. It was an exaggeration and excessive weight of the policy generated enormous waste. With a ziendalizzazione has tried to strike a balance between the weight of politics and the needs of a ze a technocratic management based on principles of efficiency. But tomorrow, in front the management of a company health Royal tion only, which listeners can find such as mayors and citizens of the Car nia or the Natisone Valley?

Experience shows that most decision-makers will Allon tanano geographically, the greater the ab abandonment of the territory.

Today telematic management technologies make it possible to rationalize many functional tions without necessarily having to unify all cen tri decision .

Who asks to centralize tut to (health, but similar proposals have been made for University, for Erdisu, for Chambers of Commerce ...) does not do it reality to save money, but to shift the balance of decision-making force.

Fortunately, the bill on the company health nemme not only do not like the majority of the PDL. Košice is the tooth taken Tondo are much more cautious, although una corrente nel centrodestra vorrebbe ri durre a 3 le Ass regionali. Il Friuli, comun­ que, deve tenere gli occhi ben aperti se vuole ricevere quello che gli spetta nella corret ta impostazione di un federalismo solidale tra le diverse realtà territoriali che compon gono la Regione.

Roberto Pensa

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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La VITA CATTOLICA   Settimanale Friuli
Archdiocese of Udine
Friday, January 21, 2011

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de Lavita Catholic

Zenari No 2011 48
Categories "Open Journal"

The contentece by fruts
par Alc & "

of Remo Brunetti

Presea t diretor.
O to savût that " Alc & " turned to Jessie. O content de soi propitiate novitât. He Varese of the violence of the you to contentece that àn fruts from the common Cjavaç cuant of us who puarti " Alc & .
cuss Maybe not, at that is that either steVierte scuen contentâju cun numars vecjos I tiravis für puesto.
SAVE cumò or podarai puartâur numars gnûfs I indalegre the screw.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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January 27, 2011



A pair of red shoes

Joyce Lussier

There is a pair of red shoes
number twenty-four
nearly new:
on inner sole shown
still brand factory
"Schulze Monaco."

there is a pair of red shoes
atop a pile of shoes
more in there is a pile of blonde curls
of black hair and brown
were used to make blankets for soldiers
not deprecated anything
them and the children undressed and shaved them
before pushing in the gas chambers

there a pair of red shoes
of red shoes for Sunday
were a child of three years
perhaps three and a half years
who knows what color his eyes were
burned in furnaces
but his tears
we can imagine
know how the children weep
even his feet
We can imagine them
shoe number twenty-four
for eternity
because the feet of the dead children
not grow

there are a couple of red shoes
nearly new
because the feet of the dead children
not consume the soles ...

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La borgata marinara palermitana di Sferracavallo, in due scatti realizzati agli inizi degli anni Sessanta del Serbian photographer Josip Ciganovic agency photocell. The first is from 'Sicily', the series 'regions of Italy', UTET, 1974, the second from 'Sicily', volume I, all of Italy series, published by Sansoni, Milano, 1962

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"Sicily is a land of real politics. Sicily is the test of Italian politics, the capabilities of our country to become a modern country, not only economic, but also in ideas, morality, in costume, is an issue of conflict above us. This is the best part of Italian intelligence is brought to follow and to live in participating in a fate that affects us all "
Piovene Guido, 1962

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TRIESTE CAPITAL winner takes all!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pagina XXIII



Lettera di:
Remo Brunetti
Sergio Fantini
Roberta Michieli

A Trieste è stata elaborata una strana teoria, per cui qualsiasi Istituzione regionale shall not have the primary purpose being to service of the majority of its users, but must only give "shine" to the capital of "administrative" region: Trieste.

Recently the federations it Italian Football (FI GC), it seems rightly directed to move his headquarters in a regional locations the center of gravity. And in this As almost all of regional football associations found in Pro province of Udine and Pordenone it; also Gorizia sareb shaft closer.

But now get up here the very high pro heads of the political trie destiny. Gee, but Trieste is the regional capital ! Mica I'll forget you? And Trieste is a splendid from the city, and deserves a long journey that will make you lose a day Work!

"Trieste is now a result the do positions on many fronts and it is not acceptable accounts nui depaupe this sort of improvement in several areas. (...) regional changes of rules that will penalize us in a long process that is leading to a gradual strengthening of reality from Friuli to Trieste, "he wrote in his letter pub lished recently by Gazzettino, Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat , president of the province di Trieste.

Ossia, la Presidente della Provincia di Trieste si la menta perché il progetto di fare di Trieste "l'asso piglia tutto" non è accettato da oltre il 95% del territorio regionale. Si lamenta per ché, giustamente, il Friuli sta faticosamente cercando un riequilibrio territoriale che oggi non esiste.

Signora Maria Teresa Poropat , la Please note that the Friuli not the back room of his province and regional FIGC would long since moved its headquarters in a town center of gravity ply rag and more easily contacted via from all the regional clubs .

There gifts for sincerity, but his protests are frankly completely out of place, because daughters exasperation bell nilismo Trieste.

The like it or not, there is only Trieste!

Remo Brunetti
Sergio Fantini
Robert Michieli

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Two views of the Cape, a of the popular markets of Arab origin in Palermo: the characteristic colored tarps that cover the shops and the stalls of vendors of fresh food - meat, fish and vegetables, especially - and one of the many glimpses of art - the mosaic of liberty bakery Morello - still visible in the architecture of the run-down neighborhood
"Among the old neighborhoods of Palermo, the Western Cape was the most depressed at all times, constantly deserted by the great civil and religious buildings. Trained in Arabic age, was refuge of slave traders, Mariola of every stripe, the tiny mob, nor different today is the human landscape of poor people who live by their wits, the edge of law and civilization ".
In the early sixties of last century, when the historical center of Palermo lived the darkest period of abandonment - that is raging in the years of 'building lot' political mafia in urban areas away from the historic center - the critic 'Palermo Art Joseph Bellomo thus described the degradation of the Cape, one of the old markets of Arab descent in the city.
At that time, the popular market for excellence in Palermo was still the Vucciria; the animated dozens of vendors who were the subject during 1974, the most famous paintings of Renato Guttuso.
Today, Vucciria lost almost completely the appearance of his vivid and noisy workshops, together fascinating and repulsive, and it is the Capo market, from 11 centuries encased in lowland squeezed between urban Palace Justice, plain and Papireto Via Maqueda, to perpetuate the age of hypermarkets and shopping centers buy 'face to face' with the fishmonger, the butcher, the grocer or the greengrocer.

Market sellers Palermo Cape, from 11 centuries a place of sale of food.
After the decline of the better known Vucciria, today the district - despite the apparent state of degradation secular building - offers a variety of merchandise, which attracts thousands of customers, both the district from other areas of the city
The richness of its food so it was already explained in 1615 by John Vincent, who work 'Palermo restored' described the Chief as a "good square and plenty of all sorts of fruits, to be nearer to the gardens, and fish to be in the street and Castellammare di Carini "(Rosario La Duca, 'City Walk', L'Epos, Volume III, 2003).

Still images of the Cape newspaper market: sellers largely inherit a traditional family business. A visit to the Cape is a perfect way to perceive the contradictions in which he lives Palermo, a city eternally suspended between immobility and vitality, here represented by the colors and voices of the stalls and - in the photos posted below - from structural deterioration of the neighborhood
Compared to the degradation described 50 years ago by Bellomo, in Palermo in 2011 little or nothing has changed to the Head: even the obvious practice of expedience - along with vegetables and fish, are being offered counterfeit CDs, the result of stolen items and quantities of cannabis or cocaine - which remains the inescapable prospect of those who continue to live in the crumbling buildings of the neighborhood.

Diving between the lanes of the Cape, almost let ourselves be guided by its current human inhabitants or people of Palermo who still buy their food, is an experience that, once the first barrier of folklore (including the risk of muggings) leads directly to the heart of the essence of Palermo, a city that is the symbol of hope and all is its negation, a prisoner of an old habit to survive the decay.
All photos posted are made by Sicilian reportage

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Sunday, January 23 201


If football


goes to Palmanova,

Trieste arises

of Andrea Valcic

If anyone still had doubts about love participating pato and heard that you live in any environment ver know Trieste, Friuli, will change his mind in a hurry what happened after the Assembly's Regional Football Federation, the federation game what cal.

At stake the decision to move the headquarters from the capital in Palmanova.

a choice dictated by logistical reasons ta , given the inadequacy of that at tual, and the desire to come meet clubs, reducing time and distance for meetings and conducting grass that.

in favor of this hypothesis has voted for the vast majority of companies , while Trieste is the 28 left the room .

This result Committee reflects nothing but the truth of numbers and size sions of the movement members ta, the group, even non-sports, present in the region. It will not be the fault of mica Friulian if the majority.

hell broke loose before and after the meeting of the regional with the heavy-handed intervention by the usually Adviser Camber, but not only contrary decided to block the outcome. Co me if it was a case of lese majesty against capital.

why the draft move in the direction Udine regional school sen you do not talk anymore.

Andrea Valcic

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Urethra Play Streaming

FRIULANO DELETED, Monday Udine, Press Conference of PD

Riceviamo e  pubblichiamo 

Comunicato stampa



Monday, January 24 in Udine, at 14.30 in the Hall of Svevo Palazzo della Regione Via Sabbadini, will hold a press conference Democratic Party of Friuli-Venezia Giulia on problems arising from the policies of the Regional Council for the Friulian language.

MEP Participants to the meeting and the regional secretary of the PD Deborah Serracchiani, the deputy leader in the regional council Travanut Mauro, the parent company to the Provincial Council of Udine, Francesco Martines, il segretario provinciale del Pd, Andrea Simone Lerussi, e Lorenzo Fabbro, esperto di tematiche friulaniste e membro della segreteria provinciale di Udine.

Tra i punti all’ordine del giorno la pesante riduzione delle risorse e la cancellazione della lingua friulana nel settore dei media nel bilancio 2011, l’assenza di una linea di azione strategica nelle politiche linguistiche e la perdurante mancata attuazione della legislazione in vigore.

Giancarlo Lancellotti

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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"A Gela is bought and sold more, there is increased circulation of money, the machine of progress has begun to set in motion, for streets you see many motor scooters with mirrors and ribbons and bows and saddles in fake leopard or zebra false.
and bars are the juke-box, and kiosks will sell more newspapers and more than a week, and tobacconists have seen an increase in requests for cigarettes that were not the usual simple alpha or national. And if the cinema is always two, but they show every night, and not as alternate evenings happened a few years ago. When this happens in a depressed area, another phenomenon comes out so clearly: the contradictions are no longer obscured and hidden, but squeak.
So, Gela 1962 can be given two images: one optimistic and one pessimistic. Pessimistic, if we limit ourselves to finding a state of extreme poverty in which he still lives most of the population, and lack of sewerage, sanitation, employment, poverty campaign, the shortage of classrooms and teachers, and lots of things remains to be done.
Optimistic, if you notice an increase in consumption, if you look at the future developments that l'impresa dell'ENI ha provocato e provocherà, alla costruzione del nuovo ospedale, alle case ed ai quartieri che sorgono alla periferia del vecchio centro urbano.
Gela è un paese aperto a tutte le possibilità, dove progresso e arretratezza si confondono ancora, e dove è certamente esploso il primo stadio - quello febbrile, per intenderci - della rivoluzione industriale e dove questa rivoluzione ha causato alcuni dei suoi effetti, ma sviluppandoli e accrescendoli in mezzo al caos ed al disordine e nella mancanza di una legislazione adeguata"  

Una veduta aerea Gela, in the years when the mining of oil changed the face of social and economic development of the town of Caltanissetta. Sicilian reportage once again in this post a report published in May 1962 by the magazine of the Touring Club of Italy 'The Streets of Italy', signed by Joseph Tarozzi

One click of the Gela petrochemical without indication of date of Ragusa photographer Giuseppe Leone,
from the catalog of the exhibition 'Writing Landscape', then Editore, Palermo, 1998

The report echoed by REPORTAGE SICILY is again taken from the monthly Touring Club of Italy 'Le Vie of Italy' , is dated May 1962 , ie during the period of maximum development of exploration and production of crude oil in the establishment of ENI, best known today as petrochemicals.
In 1956, the probes Mineraria had discovered a 3230 meters deep in the Lord's plan, an oil: Wells grew rapidly, especially among Miroglio the valley, the river Gela and sea, up to exceed thirty weeks where 'The Streets of Italy' realized reportage. At that time, employed in the oil were about 4,000, the same aspect of Gela, had been modified: the production of petrochemicals had required an investment of 130 billion lire and the need to pave 500 acres of sandy soil, where slide roads, canals and cement production plants.
industrial area - not far from the 'terragni', the houses and humid with no toilets, inhabited by the poorest - the four areas transformed the crude into gasoline, diesel and bitumen, here were also produced ethylene and nitrogen products , ammonium sulphate, urea e coke.
Le previsioni indicarono la possibilità di ricavare petrolio da circa 200 pozzi, ma le potenzialità del giacimento nisseno si rivelarono presto ben inferiori, a causa anche dell'eccessiva densità e viscosità del greggio gelese.
 Firmato da Giuseppe Tarozzi - due anni prima la produzione di uno straordinario documentario scritto da Leonardo Sciascia   'Gela antica e moderna', realizzato da  Giuseppe Ferrara  -  il resoconto della situazione socio-economica then the town of Caltanissetta, a photographer can still see perfectly the contradictions in Gela: that of her employment situation - now in deficit and no longer guaranteed employment levels by the years of the 'oil boom' - and that of an environmental situation full of unknowns, as demonstrated by the high number of infant malformations recorded in recent decades, and recent assessments of the local Coast Guard

Boys and Gela children in the street with the workers of the petrochemical, during the years of greatest activity of the plants, the number of employees reached 4,000 units

In these two color photos of Italo Zannier - published in 1968 in the book 'The Coast of Italy - Sicily ', published by Eni Milan - is evident invasiveness petrochemical plant in the making and economic Gela.
"The city, with its haphazard growth, the result of the economic and demographic development caused by the presence of big industry - says the text accompanying the photos (the text of the book are coordinated by Errico Ascione and Italo Insolera) - is close on all sides by functional and efficient structures that forced daily to a humiliating confrontation, compounded even more by not being able to participate socially and economically, to the processes of renewal set in motion by ' industry.
Gela has paradoxically become the periphery of its surroundings "

Situated on a hill overlooking the Strait of Sicily, along a long sandy beach, Gela was one of the largest Doric Greek colonies on the island, founded 689 BC by Antifemo of Rhodes and the Cretans of Euthymus: a story documented by numerous archaeological sites, both terrestrial and marine, the latter hidden ; still in the seabed off the town.

Faces and Places of Gela, which refer to the period before the intensive oil exploration, Mining started in 1956 by Agip, above, farmers on the steps of a church and extraordinary coastal landscape of Capo Soprano, natural environment today finally disappeared. The crops consisted of cotton - which trade to the nearby Malta - and cereals.
Below, a stretch of the old fortifications of the Greek colony of Doric origin and a glimpse of the Archaeological Museum, inaugurated during the months of peak travel in search of oil.

The Archaeological Museum was founded in 1958, during the peak of development in the oil sector, a celebration of the glories of the ancient Greek city, just when everything was changing: the face of the territory, its environmental balance and the prospect of a developing economy, mainly tourism-related offering of culture and nature.
Gela today boasts a square dedicated to Enrico Mattei, but one wonders what is now the future of the petrochemical, after the last two decades of policies for the disposal and the new hypothesis of a disengagement ENI: .

The photographs are taken over from the post 'Gela, statues and oil', Joseph Tarozzi / Scalfati / Fotocielo published in 'The Streets of Italy' TCI in May 1962, 'Sicilia ', Aldo Pecora, the series' regions of Italy ', UTET, 1974,' Sicilia ', volume II of the series' tuttitalia-encyclopedia of ancient and modern ', GCSansoni, 1962,' Sicilia ', the series' through Italy ', published by TCI, 1961