Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quotes On Welcome Address

school: fewer hours, fewer teachers?

In these days of holiday is likely to pass without proper evidence, by the organs of the press, as follows according to the orders of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court on appeals made against the decrees of redefining curricular organization (cuts in hours) in classes of technical schools with old system, the second to fourth year (Snals), and against the circular and the inscriptions on the staff, issued by the Ministry in the absence of regulatory support (!!!) (Appeal FLC).
In the first case, as I have already described in my previous post, the Tar ordered to suspend the implementation of the cuts "up to the acquisition and complete evaluation of the opinion of the National Council of Education."
In the second case (start the reform) the TAR of Lazio said the regulations issued unlawful, without pausing.
The consequences of these ordinances may be decisive about starting the new school year, the retention or loss of tenure, the number of classes and teachers.
At this point it is for the Minister to take due account of the fact of the implementation of measures declared illegal or suspended. And also to schools.
Below a nice Marina Boscaino from "The Daily Done" yesterday.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White Stuff Coming From The Hole In My Throat

Tar of Lazio suspension for cutting hours in technical

You can not do anything you want.
That goes for everyone and in this case applies to the Minister of Education had decreed that the time to cut indiscriminately in technical schools, bringing to 32 for everyone, from second to fourth grade class. This was not a result of the Gelmini reform, which in any case to start the first classes in September, but regarded the subsequent classes, which continues to keep the old system. The reason was essentially an economic one and at first seemed incredible to many and then, once resigned, come un bellissimo pastrocchio.
Il tutto sembra essere avvenuto senza il coinvolgimento del CNPI (consiglio nazionale della pubblica istruzione) dal cui parere dipende, in base alla sentenza del Tar sul ricorso presentato dallo Snals , la sospensione.
Sospensione quindi e non si sa fino a quando. Sperando, almeno per il futuro, in un maggior coinvolgimento anche della classe insegnante, che opera direttamente sul campo.
Ma mai essere troppo ottimisti ...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Trs-25 De.

Giuliana Sgrena, Iraq and the stories that you tell more

La partecipazione di Giuliana Sgrena, giornalista del Manifesto , all'incontro dal titolo " Vittime di guerra in missione di pace " sul tema dell'informazione " Sparite- Sparate " al XXVII Festival dei Popoli del C.D.P. , mi ha davvero colpito molto.
Bella la sua testimonianza di persona impegnata direttamente sul campo per informare correttamente dei fatti, evitando la censura di un potere che teme la narrazione della cruda realtà, e non vuole discussioni.
Come molte donne coraggiose del nostro tempo, Giuliana è piccola ed esile, come la sua voce, ma non si arrende ad una informazione "militarizzata", non solo nelle zone di guerra. Parla diretta, con chiarezza cristallina. Alcune donne lo sanno ancora fare; quasi mai lo sento più fare da nessuno. Non usa mezzi termini per raccontare anche della sua tremenda esperienza di vittima del rapimento in Irak, secret agent Calipari's death, the events on which it was not possible to complete clarity.
are immersed in the ongoing debate, Sgrena, the Italian also spoke of the event and the difficulty that the public service is able to provide correct information.

Giuliana Sgrena, despite the difficulties of his personal life, has returned to Iraq to see with his eyes and tell the story of a country that no longer seems to want to occupy. What I saw posted in a new book entitled "The Return - in the new Iraq."
We can do is wait and read it back again in Polesine Giuliana to hear another story (which no one tells more).

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Xanax Muscle Relaxant

For a free information and plural

In the picture the Secretary of the National Federation of the press to the event on July 1 last year against the gag law and to defend a free and plural information.
participate too with this image in the protests and the strike today.