Thursday, February 3, 2011

Advanced Makeup Fondue

RADIO RAI UNO - Back "EL Campanon" radio show in the dialect of Trieste

Back "EL Campanon"
historic radio broadcast
in Trieste dialect

Law December 15, 1999, 482
Rules on
protection of historical linguistic minorities

The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate
of the Republic have approved:

the following law:
Article 12
1. The agreement between the Ministry of Communications and society à granting sionary public service radio and television of its servants and the resulting contract uncle conditions are ensured for the protection of linguistic minorities in the areas of membership.
2. The regions covered are the tres ì enter into agreements with the company concessionaire of public broadcasting for transmissions journalistic or language programs eligible for protection, in the pro radio and television programming regional granting the same company sionary; for the same purpose regions may enter into agreements with local customers.
3. The protection of linguistic minorities that under the system of com munications mass is the responsibility of the Authority Communications of the Law of July 31, 1997, No 249, without prejudice to the role of direction of the Parliamentary Commission for general direction and supervision of broadcasting services .
ART.12 STEP 1: never applied for the historical linguistic minorities Friulian
ART.12 POINT 2: 2010 Budget and 2011 - cleared by the Regional Board of Renzo Tondo funds related to the historical linguistic minorities Friuli, for broadcasts RAI and private broadcasters.
Regional Law 29/2007

BUR 27/12/2007, N. 52

REGIONAL LAW 18/12/2007, N. 029

standards for the protection, enhancement and promotion of the Friulian language .

This law in particular states:

Chapter IV
Interventions in the field of media

Article 20
(Radio and Television)

1.La Region supports the production of audiovisual materials in the Friulian language in order to give maximum circulation.

2. In the television sector, the Region supports the production and release of Friulian language programs in its various expressions. The support and 'proportional to the coverage and methods for inclusion in the schedule. The funds pledged at least 75 per cent for the production of which at least 60 per cent and 'made by independent producers.

3. The Region supports the radio stations that broadcast programs in the Friulian language. The support and 'proportionate to the percentage of programs broadcast in the Friulian language and those produced in-house.

4.In the 'scope of its powers relating to the issue of orders, permits and concessions required for access to sites under the state plan for the allocation of frequencies and for the installation of networks and facilities for broadcasting, the Region supports and promotes television and radio stations that use the Friulian language at least 25 percent of their programming.

5.Nei audiovisual media in the region and 'ensure adequate representation of the Friulian language.

LR 29/2007
and are not used.



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