Monday, December 13, 2010

Fox Broadcasting Company Postal Address

Nobel della pace a Liu Xiaobo assente e la potenza di una sedia vuota

Nothing comforted me more in these dark days of awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese dissident in prison (for Specifically, by what I've read, now under house arrest) Liu Xiaobo, or rather to his empty chair in Oslo.
The image of the empty chair has been around the world, and has also climbed over the wall of censure by the Chinese government , as to what I read there was a sort of revolt of empty chairs, which appeared at night the streets of the country.

The words that the writer has given the Chinese when he was sentenced to 11 years in prison (one year ago), on charges of being a criminal who wants to subvert the laws of the State, are a veritable hymn to love and peace and therefore deserve to be known to all.

Below a part of his speech read by Liv Ullmann to of the award ceremony in Oslo.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Funny Wedding Koozie Saying


Giuseppe Fava was a figure of all-round journalist, an intellectual capable of ranging from reportage to theatrical writing, from photography to painting, Joseph Fava, above all, a man was viscerally connected to Sicily, though they reported no compromise on the power play and miseries daily against the backdrop of such a proliferation of weeds and Mafia intrigues of power games of politics and world economic island.

the evening of his murder - in Catania, January 5, 1984 - Fava had long since booked his appointment ent with a killer: all his literary production and the monthly magazine 'The Sicilians' had an uncomfortable position as undermining the system of collusion of companies that held pieces of Catania.
A Giuseppe Fava, the story of his professional work and civic journalist Massimo Roman leg has an essay published by Sperling & Kupfer, entitled 'The Sicilian' (pp. 262, € 17).
Gamba, 52 year-old television writer, by his own admission is not an expert on the Mafia, nor has he ever known the founder of 'The Sicilian', but had the merit to obtain information on personal and professional history of Giuseppe Fava encountering many of the reporters brought up in the preparation of monthly Catania: Riccardo Orioles, Elena Brancati, Antonio Roccuzzo, Claudio Fava ...
"What is said in my book - explains leg REPORTAGE SICILY - is the story of an intellectual enamored of his work, a journalist sometimes instinctive and impetuous, but rigorous and careful documentation of facts. Fava was killed because he did not stop to examine the relationship between mafia and political and business environments Catania, should be considered, rather than a antimafia hero, a champion of press freedom. "

Before and after his assassination at the hands of the killer Maurizio Avola ( anche il delitto di Fava rimane un omicidio che non ha svelato i suoi mandanti esterni alla mafia ), il velenoso vento della calunnia ha avvolto la sua figura privata, nel tentativo di screditarne anche il lato professionale. "Ciò che ho notato, recandomi più volte negli ultimi mesi a Catania - sottolinea Massimo Gamba - è che la figura di Giuseppe Fava è ancora circondata da una certa sottile ostilità, da un sostanziale disprezzo. Ed è una cosa che mi fa orrore".   
Al giornalista ucciso 26 anni fa è dedicato un secondo recente saggio, written by Joseph Dole: 'The case Fava between poetry and reality' , the volume will be presented on Thursday 25 November at 17:00 at the Benedictine Monastery of Catania.

The color photograph of Giuseppe Fava comes from , the one in b / w and drawing from his essay 'The Sicilian', published by Hats publisher in 1980.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wm. Rogers Sterling Silver Tea Set

along the streets of Rome with an old Vespa 125, 1986 to grasp a fundamental difference in style of life that makes it different Palermo - and generally, the South of Italy - by so much else in Italy: the capital, in fact, the number of twenty Wasps still in circulation is so low.
the traffic lights, fast and aggressive 'scooters' snap forward in a few moments, give drivers gas with impatience, and 'scooterone' - single speed, mainly black and Japanese, trunk and aggressive forms of gigantic proportions - it sling over the cross: a look at them all closely resemble one another, so that you would not know to find differences between a model of a brand and that of another manufacturer.
I am told that the guidatore romano non ama usare mezzi a due ruote con le marce; e che le vecchie Vespa sono state in gran parte rottamate perchè il cambio manuale a 4 marce - prima, clac, seconda, clac clac, terza, clac, balzetto in avanti, quarta! - fa perdere tempo e stanca, nel traffico caotico della Cristoforo Colombo o della Flaminia...
A Palermo - nella lenta e caotica Palermo - le Vespe ante 1990 sono invece numerosissime, e pochissimi gli 'scooteroni'. Questa diversa tipologia di mezzi a due ruote rappresenta due anime diverse: quella delle grandi metropoli 'continentali' - dove la fretta e le mode spesso bruciano i tempi di chi le abitano - e quella di una città dove il flusso della vita è più lento, più disponibile ai 'cambi di marcia': una piccola consolazione - ci pare di poter dire - per una Palermo che anche in strada dimostra quanto sia diversa dalle altre metropoli d'Italia. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mri Images Of Enlarged Liver

Liberata Aung

news from the site of the Republic

"After seven years was released the leader of the Movement for Democracy in Burma." We must work together to achieve our goal, "he told the crowd outside his home. The news has been welcomed by Western governments. Obama: "It 'was released a heroine" "

here continues

I also join in the happiness of the world for the liberation this woman.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Delux Switching Power Supply Atx 400


Immagini di Montelepre alla fine degli anni Quaranta dello scorso secolo, nel pieno dell'epopea di Salvatore Giuliano, il bandito ucciso a Castelvetrano nel luglio del 1950.
Gli scatti riproposti da REPORTAGE SICILIA sono tratti da un vecchio numero della rivista settimanale TIME.
The photo that opens this brief review, the home of the family Giuliano is indicated by the white arrow: Montelepre, then inhabited by just over 5,000 people and offers the vision of its narrow winding streets, a perfect scenario of dark plots of 'picciotti' Salvatore.
Del 'If Giuliano' and Montelepre has returned to speak since last October, when the Public Prosecutor in Palermo has opened an investigation file to clarify the many mysteries that still surround the death of the bandit, the judicial most striking is undoubtedly the exhumation della salma di Giuliano, per stabilire se i resti del cadavere siano realmente quelli dell'uomo che in quegli anni di banditismo e di confusi ideali separatistici veniva chiamato il 're di Montelepre'.

Una delle più note fra le tante fotografie di Salvatore Giuliano.
All'esame del DNA è ora affidato il compito di stabilire l'ultimo mistero relativo alla sua morte, intorno alla quale sorgono dubbi sulla possibile sostituzione del corpo per decenni rimasto tumulato nel piccolo cimitero monteleprino; un cugino del bandito ha addirittura parlato di una sua fuga clandestina in Canada, Paese dove Giuliano sarebbe morto nel 2002.

Ancora una fotografia tratta dal settimanale TEMPO; ritrae il cupo paesaggio di Sagana, nelle campagne di Montelepre , luogo che ha segnato alcune tappe fondamentali nella controversa storia di Salvatore Giuliano. 

Le due immagini to fill this post was clear that the economic environment in which it developed in the epic story of Salvatore Giuliano Montelepre the Second World War, and what the aspirations of simple bandits, jealous of their wealth of feudal land mafia and local skilled interlocutors of bureaucrats and politicians in Sicily at the time, in turn operators to police officers and officers of the police: a patchwork of illegal and criminal interests of which the name of Salvatore Giuliano is still only a simple label.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Do Male Stripper Tie Their Penis

What 'Force of the South' , the party founded in the days recently by Gianfranco Micciche, once one of the promoters of 'Forza Italy' island? What is your government program, what is your plan to ensure economic and social development to Sicily? Especially as ideal force, which will of the people have given impetus to the creation of the new movement?
At a time of crisis in light of the national political system - and while the League's Bossi itself as one movement deeply rooted in the territory, because it is representative of popular ideals, and the Federalists 'Northerners' - which offers opportunities to create of Sicily and southern parties, lacking a strong base of expectation popular?
are questions perhaps natural in those who still hope for a clear line of policy development in Sicily, and the potential of an island - in the Italian social landscape confused in recent months, and at a time of frightening economic involution - should give more and more compelling evidence of a 'beating of wings', taking account, in fact, a real boost to the collective ideal, the only one that guarantees the value and depth to political action, away from the power games of groups and groups of political demagogues and journeyman.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prolapsed Piles More Condition_symptoms

Firma la legge per le rinnovabili contro il nucleare

6 and 7 November simultaneously in the streets of the Italian territory will be collected the signatures to the Draft Law popular initiative "Development of energy efficiency and renewables to climate protection" . On this site

all material useful to learn and maybe set up a banquet. Join

event " 100 Squares for climate-party clean energy", the collection will also occur in the main squares of Polesine.

The roadmap will be published in the new site created specifically: NUCLEAR SAFETY

Best Combination Of Supplements

La canzone del momento

Friday, October 29, 2010

Where Can U Buy Nabisco Chicken In A Biskit


Once again, the old monthly magazine of the Italian Touring Club 'The Streets of Italy' testifies on REPORTAGESICILIA aspects of Sicilian culture lost forever.
It 's the case of a report published in June 1947, and related to tuna fishing in the historical trap of Scopello, Castellammare del Golfo, and between the Zingaro Reserve, along the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily.

Today, the trap of Scopello is one of the most famous tourist attractions to the general public, also because of the setting, between its stacks, an episode of the television Rai Inspector Montalbano series, the exploitation for filming and for the wedding reception is now the main business of the current owners of the entire product.
In the past decades, this secluded corner of the island was a site for the most unknown to many travelers, so that it has been reported between the 'strange places' in Sicily in a guide designed by Matthew Collura, previously , the site was described in a study by Rosario La Duca.
Historically, the trap of Scopello is mentioned in documents of 1312 and 1421.
For centuries, fishing for tuna organized nell'antistante stretch of sea has ensured economic prosperity of households in the area of \u200b\u200bCastellammare.
data on numbers of fish in the twentieth century indicate a peak of 1335 tons in 1938 and in 1977, four years before its final closing, about 700 were captured.

The photographs from 'The Streets of Italy' bear the signatures from Ermanno Biagini.
In the text accompanying the report, states, inter alia, that in Sicily it was estimated before the war are caught in middle 4000 tuna per day, or about 120,000 per month, with an Approximate production of three million boxes of tuna oil every 15 days "data perhaps exaggerated, but suggest that the fish wealth of the sea surrounding the island time.

Today, the traps are, unfortunately, mere matter of study, while flower farms have to fatten the fish in cages that limit the natural tendency to move into the depths of sea \u200b\u200band the craft of 'tonnaroti' - in portrait shots Biagini - remains in the memory so yellowed of old photographs.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brazilian Waxing, Den Haag

Ritorno nel Delta del Po

Recentemente, dopo molto tempo, sono tornata a visitare il nostro Delta.
Come altri prima di me, lo avevo lasciato (qualcuno forse aggiungerà "giustamente") alla sua politica e alla sua gente piena di contraddizioni, delusa per la perdita di alcune importanti battaglie ambientaliste, fatte assieme ad altri, in comitati e in partiti troppo piccoli qui nel Polesine per contare nel momento del voto. I miei assidui lettori le ricorderanno, e del resto si possono ripercorrere le tappe qui nel mio blog attraverso i numerosi post dell'epoca.
Ricordo le manifestazioni contro il Terminal gasiero di Porto Levante e quelle contro la centrale a Porto Tolle: Despite the enthusiasm and participation, at the end of our weight was always less than that, in a nutshell, the "compensation" in the territory by large companies, expressed in terms of millions of euro, and promises of thousands of phantom jobs. We can blame a political class (and forgive me but I must say trade union), which euphemistically described as "shortsighted." And perhaps a bit 'up with our inability to engage people and to widen the protest, so as to make us more credible interlocutors. But what really busy with our means.
In support of these battles, and it was an unforgettable event, was also Beppe Grillo, the headquarters Province of Rovigo in the evening and on the Piazza di Porto Viro. Then, in December of 2007, we came to the rescue even Greenpeace, making us hope that all was not lost.

Since then many things have changed and the time seems to have contributed more than anything to make it even stronger than our opponents, as well as having sown in the Park picnic areas, a terrible sense of abandonment.

So in retrospect, it seems impossible, but our little battles a little 'depressing and "useless", but were useful, very useful indeed: at least served to fuel a political debate on the defense of our territory and that of others.
debate to tell the truth now seems to have sunk o forse essere scomparso, ma che se riemerge può ancora essere ascoltato e spingere nella giusta direzione chi ha il potere di compiere scelte importanti.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Frustration Rummy Card Game Rules

Questi nuclearisti le sparano proprio grosse

Ecco la risposta degli ambientalisti alle dichiarazioni di autorevoli esponeti della grande industria italiana dell'energia al recente convegno di Cernobbio:

Un pugno di pirati e di avventurieri del nucleare: ecco la sensazione che proviamo nel leggere gli articoli che parlano delle proposte pro nucleare al workshop Ambrosetti di Cernobbio. Questi bucanieri, con cognomi da imprenditori Enel e Edison e da politici di governo, stanno invadendo l’Italia sparando dalle acque di Cernobbio e perfino dalle montagne di Cortina.
Le loro armi? Bordate di bugie su giornali e Tv. Un esempio? “Risparmieremo almeno 4,5 mld sulla bolletta energetica”, mentre uno studio Usa recentissimo rivela che il nucleare è fuori mercato! Sentite cosa dice l’analista economico Usa John Blackburn della Duke University: “Il fotovoltaico ha raggiunto le alternative a basso costo rispetto al nucleare”.

E mentre il solare vede un crollo dei costi, il prezzo delle uniche due centrali in costruzione in Europa (Francia e Finlandia) è passato dai previsti 3 mld di euro (4 anni fa) agli attuali 5.3 mld: altro che risparmio! Queste cifre sono irrealistiche e fanno il paio con statements of snob CEO Fulvio Conti, who lit the cannon in Cortina ad "to the nuclear program are 16-18 billion euro" and says they will pay the Italian families, willingly giving up pensions, health and school.
And no one says openly that the uranium we import, such as oil, with all the risks that this will bring in terms of safety and price ...
Another example? In Germany, where there are pirates, the local economy is becoming the locomotive of Europe through the creation of 350 thousand jobs related to alternative energy at low cost. The small production companies and installation of new energy we do not serviranno: ci sarà Sua Maestà la Grande Centrale del nucleare “pulito” a darci elettricità e 1200 posti di lavoro a centrale (secondo lo studio Ambrosetti). Tanto a che servono quattro pazzi che si arrampicano sui tetti a piazzare qualche pannello fotovoltaico?
E poi da noi il sole non c’è mai …

E' facile capire lo scopo di questi predatori: razziare le tasche degli italiani, che da decenni pagano in ogni loro bolletta lo stoccaggio delle scorie radioattive, che a Saluggia (Piemonte) non sono mai state messe in sicurezza e già sono entrate - via fiume Po - nella catena alimentare degli italiani del nord (tranquilli, voi del sud: con Scanzano penseranno anche a voi). E chissenefrega della salute degli italiani! Del fatto che queste scorie dureranno un milione di anni e che l’agricoltura sarà devastata dai radionuclidi. Pensate: bollette che pagheremo sicuramente per tutta la nostra vita e quella dei nostri figli ...
A pensarci bene a questi pirati non mancano davvero le capacità imprenditoriali.

Comitato Antinucleare di Legnago e Basso Veronese
Rete Polesana dei Comitati per la Tutela della Salute e dell'Ambiente
Circolo Perla Blu – Legambiente Cologna Veneta
Legambiente Legnago
Circolo Mdf-Movimento Decrescita Felice di Verona
Git-Gruppo Iniziativa Territoriale Banca Ethics Verona Verona
Movement 5 Stars

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is There A Cure For Aneurysm

Qui ad Atene noi facciamo così

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ocean City Nj Senior Week Rentals 2010

Video della Manifestazione antinucleare al Lido di Venezia

quickly the video of the beautiful and colorful event yesterday. Good participation, there were tense moments, everything went well, you'll see for yourself.
Along the way, while I crossed the eyes of people watching us, the feeling I had was that there was sympathy for us. I hope that other people are ready to take to the streets in the future with us in support of our reasons .

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cheats For Slime Volleyball

Alla Venice Film Festival Manifestation No to nuclear power to renewable energy

The Network Against Nuclear Veneta (under construction at the regional level, see previous posts) has arranged for 4 September 2010 the major event in Venice Lido No to nuclear energy in Veneto - yes to renewable energy .
For details and membership you can see here

John Holmes Wis Dells

Yes-Men and women - considerations

am increasingly convinced that even today many men when they face a woman most of the time, consider: aA nurse b . a second mother, v. a doll disposable. Oh I forgot! d. a secretary (because accurate and timely).
hard to think that you will not be at their service.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quotes On Welcome Address

school: fewer hours, fewer teachers?

In these days of holiday is likely to pass without proper evidence, by the organs of the press, as follows according to the orders of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court on appeals made against the decrees of redefining curricular organization (cuts in hours) in classes of technical schools with old system, the second to fourth year (Snals), and against the circular and the inscriptions on the staff, issued by the Ministry in the absence of regulatory support (!!!) (Appeal FLC).
In the first case, as I have already described in my previous post, the Tar ordered to suspend the implementation of the cuts "up to the acquisition and complete evaluation of the opinion of the National Council of Education."
In the second case (start the reform) the TAR of Lazio said the regulations issued unlawful, without pausing.
The consequences of these ordinances may be decisive about starting the new school year, the retention or loss of tenure, the number of classes and teachers.
At this point it is for the Minister to take due account of the fact of the implementation of measures declared illegal or suspended. And also to schools.
Below a nice Marina Boscaino from "The Daily Done" yesterday.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White Stuff Coming From The Hole In My Throat

Tar of Lazio suspension for cutting hours in technical

You can not do anything you want.
That goes for everyone and in this case applies to the Minister of Education had decreed that the time to cut indiscriminately in technical schools, bringing to 32 for everyone, from second to fourth grade class. This was not a result of the Gelmini reform, which in any case to start the first classes in September, but regarded the subsequent classes, which continues to keep the old system. The reason was essentially an economic one and at first seemed incredible to many and then, once resigned, come un bellissimo pastrocchio.
Il tutto sembra essere avvenuto senza il coinvolgimento del CNPI (consiglio nazionale della pubblica istruzione) dal cui parere dipende, in base alla sentenza del Tar sul ricorso presentato dallo Snals , la sospensione.
Sospensione quindi e non si sa fino a quando. Sperando, almeno per il futuro, in un maggior coinvolgimento anche della classe insegnante, che opera direttamente sul campo.
Ma mai essere troppo ottimisti ...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Trs-25 De.

Giuliana Sgrena, Iraq and the stories that you tell more

La partecipazione di Giuliana Sgrena, giornalista del Manifesto , all'incontro dal titolo " Vittime di guerra in missione di pace " sul tema dell'informazione " Sparite- Sparate " al XXVII Festival dei Popoli del C.D.P. , mi ha davvero colpito molto.
Bella la sua testimonianza di persona impegnata direttamente sul campo per informare correttamente dei fatti, evitando la censura di un potere che teme la narrazione della cruda realtà, e non vuole discussioni.
Come molte donne coraggiose del nostro tempo, Giuliana è piccola ed esile, come la sua voce, ma non si arrende ad una informazione "militarizzata", non solo nelle zone di guerra. Parla diretta, con chiarezza cristallina. Alcune donne lo sanno ancora fare; quasi mai lo sento più fare da nessuno. Non usa mezzi termini per raccontare anche della sua tremenda esperienza di vittima del rapimento in Irak, secret agent Calipari's death, the events on which it was not possible to complete clarity.
are immersed in the ongoing debate, Sgrena, the Italian also spoke of the event and the difficulty that the public service is able to provide correct information.

Giuliana Sgrena, despite the difficulties of his personal life, has returned to Iraq to see with his eyes and tell the story of a country that no longer seems to want to occupy. What I saw posted in a new book entitled "The Return - in the new Iraq."
We can do is wait and read it back again in Polesine Giuliana to hear another story (which no one tells more).

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Xanax Muscle Relaxant

For a free information and plural

In the picture the Secretary of the National Federation of the press to the event on July 1 last year against the gag law and to defend a free and plural information.
participate too with this image in the protests and the strike today.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Did I Get A W-2 Nj Disability

tomorrow No Nuke-Day Monday Establishment of a provincial committee against Nuclear

common to all those who are interested to join forces against nuclear power that a meeting is planned for the establishment of a provincial committee against nuclear Monday, June 28 at 21 at the ARCI Rovigo . To the delight

industrialists, who are always dreaming to become rich, sometimes at the expense of our health, the antinuclear movement is being reconstituted. Forte Marghera

Tomorrow there will be an important initiative, the No Nuke Day, the work of several groups such as Greenpeace and Legambiente and the town of Venice, which also join the various committees for the environment. Here
poster NO Nuke Day

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bad Stomach And Loose Stools

Polesine and the environment: what energies to overcome the crisis?

Facebook Group Left ecology and freedom Rovigo

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bleeding Air Out Of Diesel Sprinter

Enel, the power station, coal and nuclear trees

The news appeared on the Sun 24 hours of 3 June on the rejection by the Court of Accounts of some of the Directors General of the Ministry of the Environment appointed by the Minister Prestigiacomo to replace the previous ones, perhaps not meet the requirements of the Minister, could pave the way for appeals against the orders signed and approved the works.
Meanwhile, the committee "Citizens Porto Tolle-free" that has never surrendered to the inevitability of early conversion to Orimulsion and then "clean coal", returning from the appeal to the TAR of Lazio against the coal project and pending of the award, says he is ready to any other remedies, the Council of State against the project and the action against other measures that would allow the start of work. (Here the flyer Committee )

Just today, Enel opens the doors of the Porto Tolle power plant, with parties, games and initiatives that would attract the presence of people who care about the environment. Do you think this time is even offering to give seeds for planting trees to give birth in the future in the central area in front!
... But I do not know if that Enel there was no central, there would not need to plant trees?
Or is the guilty conscience?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lg U890 Unlock Software

Against Veneto movement begins

Marghera (Ve) May 18, 2010. The Center Vega Marghera Enel and gather to launch the nuclear Confindustria Veneto. Out of many committees and associations in the Veneto region are feeling the many reasons no to nuclear.

other information on Facebook
No to nuclear energy in Veneto
Committee antinuclear and low Legnago Verona