Friday, October 29, 2010

Where Can U Buy Nabisco Chicken In A Biskit


Once again, the old monthly magazine of the Italian Touring Club 'The Streets of Italy' testifies on REPORTAGESICILIA aspects of Sicilian culture lost forever.
It 's the case of a report published in June 1947, and related to tuna fishing in the historical trap of Scopello, Castellammare del Golfo, and between the Zingaro Reserve, along the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily.

Today, the trap of Scopello is one of the most famous tourist attractions to the general public, also because of the setting, between its stacks, an episode of the television Rai Inspector Montalbano series, the exploitation for filming and for the wedding reception is now the main business of the current owners of the entire product.
In the past decades, this secluded corner of the island was a site for the most unknown to many travelers, so that it has been reported between the 'strange places' in Sicily in a guide designed by Matthew Collura, previously , the site was described in a study by Rosario La Duca.
Historically, the trap of Scopello is mentioned in documents of 1312 and 1421.
For centuries, fishing for tuna organized nell'antistante stretch of sea has ensured economic prosperity of households in the area of \u200b\u200bCastellammare.
data on numbers of fish in the twentieth century indicate a peak of 1335 tons in 1938 and in 1977, four years before its final closing, about 700 were captured.

The photographs from 'The Streets of Italy' bear the signatures from Ermanno Biagini.
In the text accompanying the report, states, inter alia, that in Sicily it was estimated before the war are caught in middle 4000 tuna per day, or about 120,000 per month, with an Approximate production of three million boxes of tuna oil every 15 days "data perhaps exaggerated, but suggest that the fish wealth of the sea surrounding the island time.

Today, the traps are, unfortunately, mere matter of study, while flower farms have to fatten the fish in cages that limit the natural tendency to move into the depths of sea \u200b\u200band the craft of 'tonnaroti' - in portrait shots Biagini - remains in the memory so yellowed of old photographs.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brazilian Waxing, Den Haag

Ritorno nel Delta del Po

Recentemente, dopo molto tempo, sono tornata a visitare il nostro Delta.
Come altri prima di me, lo avevo lasciato (qualcuno forse aggiungerà "giustamente") alla sua politica e alla sua gente piena di contraddizioni, delusa per la perdita di alcune importanti battaglie ambientaliste, fatte assieme ad altri, in comitati e in partiti troppo piccoli qui nel Polesine per contare nel momento del voto. I miei assidui lettori le ricorderanno, e del resto si possono ripercorrere le tappe qui nel mio blog attraverso i numerosi post dell'epoca.
Ricordo le manifestazioni contro il Terminal gasiero di Porto Levante e quelle contro la centrale a Porto Tolle: Despite the enthusiasm and participation, at the end of our weight was always less than that, in a nutshell, the "compensation" in the territory by large companies, expressed in terms of millions of euro, and promises of thousands of phantom jobs. We can blame a political class (and forgive me but I must say trade union), which euphemistically described as "shortsighted." And perhaps a bit 'up with our inability to engage people and to widen the protest, so as to make us more credible interlocutors. But what really busy with our means.
In support of these battles, and it was an unforgettable event, was also Beppe Grillo, the headquarters Province of Rovigo in the evening and on the Piazza di Porto Viro. Then, in December of 2007, we came to the rescue even Greenpeace, making us hope that all was not lost.

Since then many things have changed and the time seems to have contributed more than anything to make it even stronger than our opponents, as well as having sown in the Park picnic areas, a terrible sense of abandonment.

So in retrospect, it seems impossible, but our little battles a little 'depressing and "useless", but were useful, very useful indeed: at least served to fuel a political debate on the defense of our territory and that of others.
debate to tell the truth now seems to have sunk o forse essere scomparso, ma che se riemerge può ancora essere ascoltato e spingere nella giusta direzione chi ha il potere di compiere scelte importanti.