Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lynsey Dawn Mackenzie

La città sarà pure eterna, ma la pazienza ha un limite!

title already talkative, but a sign that I'm really really real real match (3, the razor) tired and confused.
Instead of rest so I vent, you pardonnnemuà age.
As of today, and sssiori ssssiore (indeed, the first ssssiore. Nonsiamai that ... I think it's feminist pfui) I have a certainty (which, logically, the first was a doubt. I remind myself to remind me what I should be out of zucchini): continue commuting for the duration of my sad college career. Exactly: I chose the lice, scabies, the smell of socks, bib of his neighbor, the nod of the head (you know those who fall asleep and wake up because of the charm of their head, autospaventandosi? Well, them), the stinks of the brakes (the sprouts compared Brucslelles know Grandma's freshly baked pie, oh yeah).
Now I am sure, after spending two days-too close-in "Eternal City". Okke Piaza Of Spagniai, Okke the Colosseou, Okke Treivei fountain, Villa Okke Borgheisei, Okke 'er Pinciou, Okke the Chinese with the fan built into the cap with visor (lapalissiano esempio di genio orientale anzichennò), okkei pizza margheruita, mandolinou, Crazie, Pregou e escusmi pliiis. Okkei. Oddio, sono stanca solo a (ri)pensarci. Sudore freddo.
Bello, tutto bello, tutto così romantico, tutto così biutiful solo fossi cinese, probabilmente.
Invece a me è toccato il temuto 64 (ho odiato i Bitols e la loro malefica canzone per tutto il tempo "When i'm sicstifooooor!"). Il 64 è l'autobus che porta a Piazza Navounai, passando per tutta Via Nascionàl. Qualcuno doveva averli cucinati davvero quei maledetti cavoletti, prima di salirci sopra. Mi sono ritrovata, inmenchenonsidica, con il naso attaccato al vetro, con obviously insane people who were trying, at every stop, desperate to climb up the damn contraption of marinated sardines. All this is topped by a heavy rain.
arrived where I had to get there, I realized that I could avoid getting there. Well. Trips.
Okke Veronica, Veronica're quiet, it's nothing Veronica, was not that long ago that you saw Piazei Navounaou Veronica.
Let's go back, dodging pigeon droppings inognidddove to resume 64.
My silent protest will not make the ticket, tie (any controller where the hell would come in, if you do not jumping from the roof a surprise?).
Same story, same place, same man entered the bar would sing. In fact, nose against the glass, marinated sardines, the smell of sprouts, torrential rain.
finally dropped out of the box with the wheels I realize I have lost hours. Running in the rain to go shopping. A sensual and aquatic zucchini, an eggplant round round (the eggplant is The Woman clothed with the purple, I decided), a pint of milk.
And then run to the supermarket to stock up on junk food to be consumed preferably before the end of Hello Daruin and before the Maurizio Costanzo Shoo (Shoo the series: "Why do not you take care of your wife, and their postal letters, and tronista vocaboline, and deliver us from evil Amen? ").
Home at last. A quick pasta at ten o'clock in the evening and away with Hello Daruin ('to Daruin, well done to you' nnnattene on Gallop (GOS) to study the iguanas, have abstained from witnessing 'I'm destruction, hello daruiin).
have collapsed shortly before the beginning of Mauritius, an obvious sign that my biological clock still does his job, a good boy.
following days (I swear that I finish soon, did you get here?) travel alarm clock, breakfast on the run, shower running, subway travel, travel by metro, in rainfall run-up, short stroke , bear, rsa, sa, a.
Epppoi 90, the hen sings, fear, or cossiddetto "serprentone. Pofferbacco! Two seats!
Arrival in power, yet another lesson assessment accordingly, class semi desert (what I came here to do? WHAT ARE COMING TO FAREEE?), Lesson definitely not followed, 90 egein, packed, time, train, packed, pendants, bib and pacifiers sock. The cattle car brought me back home.

Okke, I'm sleeping. I vented.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Number Of Stamps To Send A Card

Una domenica di fine ottobre.

A bit of background music, a cup of tea (always Coop, by the way) and the sun is out. Maybe today is not as bad as any self-respecting Sunday, maybe today is the first Sunday for twenty years now, not hatred of bias.

There is nothing better than being awakened by the shout of a friend who tells you he needs you. Not someone else, just you.
cabbage. He ripped a huge smile from his face and he warmed dramatically.
And it's nice to hear "Thank You" just to have given his opinion.


I leave below the text of a beautiful song I'm listening to a lot, whose melody I never get tired and makes me shiver all the time.

nice day.

Amie - Damien Rice

"Nothing unusual nothing strange
close to nothing at all
the same old scenario the same old rain
and there's no explosions here
then something unusual something strange
comes from nothing at all
i saw a spaceship fly by your window
did you see it disappear?
amie come sit on my wall and read me a story of old
tell it like you still believe that the end of the century
brings a change for you and me
nothing unusual nothing's changed
just a little older that's all
you know when you've found it there's something i've learned
'cause you feel it when they take it away hey hey
then something unusual something strange
comes from nothing at all
but i'm not a miracle and you're not a saint
just another soldier on a road to nowhere
amie come sit on my wall and read me a story of old
tell it like you still believe that the end of the century
brings a change for you and me
amie come sit on my wall and read me the story of o
tell it like you still believe that the end of the century
brings a change for you and me".

Monday, October 22, 2007

Buy Stethoscope In Chicago


Just like a spy through smoke and lights
I escaped through the back door of the world
and I saw things getting smaller
fear as well as temptation.

Now everything is reflection as I make my way through this labyrinth
and my sense of direction
is lost like the sound of my steps
is lost like the sound of my steps.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog
Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog

I see my memories in black and white
they are neglected by space and time
I store all my days in boxes
and left my whishes so far behind
I find my only salvation in playing hide and seek in this labyrinth
and my sense of connection
is lost like the sound of my steps
is lost like the sound of my steps.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog
Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog

Words sounds music and I'm spinning in
Words sounds music and I'm spinning out
but I want to stay here
'cause I am waiting for the rain
and I want it to wash away
everything, everything, everything.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog
Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
through the fog Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog walking through the fog

I feel free. I do not mean anarchy.
I'm talking about feelings, dammit. So strong, so controversial. One day you feel strong, you want to smash the world, the next day you're so on the ground that they have no desire to even breathe. And where is the sense in that?
keep me a thousand questions, to let the thoughts attach themselves to my mind, my heart, my belly, and I do not know how to get out of this maze that gives me so much anguish.
It all seems a huge trap, a joke.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Interior Doors Solid Seattle Washington

Già. L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi.

back from a tiring day. I sit now and I think some of my things.
Today I left home at nine o'clock in the morning and went back at nine o'clock in the evening, more hungry than ever and with a desire equal to that of a bear in hibernation to speak.
E 'started the second course of this new academic year: assessment accordingly.
If you're thinking it's a dirty word in Abruzzo stop. It 's the matter a little all the professors, teachers, in short, the body of teachers should know, learning to put the ratings and to evaluate the student on the basis of objective criteria and not by the clock in the morning (of the Series: li clothes have faded because the Acchiappacolore Grey did not work allora metto due a tutti).
Il professore lo conosco già e sono contenta, nonostante sia decisamente esigente. Disponibile ma esigente. Un programma decisamente infinito, e vai col tango.
Prima di andare a lezione ho fatto una passeggiata al Vittoriano. Colosseo imponente dietro di me, i centurioni vestiti a festa con i calzari e, nientepopòdimenoche, i calzini di spugna bianchi. Cinque euro di foto ricordo di Roma per avere un tipo trucido travestito da gladiatore con i calzini di spugna. Questa si che è storia. Solo i cinesi possono cadere in certe trappole.
Insomma, stavo dicendo del Vittoriano. Sono andata alla mostra di Gauguin!
Centocinquanta opere che ripercorrono un pò tutto il suo vissuto pittorico, più lettere, sculptures, manuscripts. In short: great! At the exit I got groped by a bookmark with a beautiful Tahitian above, for the modest sum of one euro and fifty. Thaitiana or Gladiator? Terry socks or exotic women? Life presents us with these choices, damn!
seems so strange wriggle between sounds of car horns, exhaust fumes of buses and cars and people of Rome on the run, when up to two days ago, I was immersed in the autumn colors of a beautiful Val D'Orcia in Tuscany, a place forgotten by God and also by men. Five houses made of stone, sitting on wicker chairs Vecchini three pre-war machines that look suspiciously, a silence never found before. Only the sound of wind. E questi paesini con le case simili a quelle di Polly Pocket. E la gente cordiale.

La riflessione del giorno : stavo aspettando l'autobus, rannicchiata su me stessa dal sonno. Intorno a me gente di ogni tipo, con un' unica cosa in comune: una faccia triste, occhi persi nel vuoto e viso troppo serio.
Ma andiamo per ordine: di questo me ne sono resa conto dopo, non appena sono arrivate quattro donne di colore, vestite con i panni tipici della loro cultura -evviva i colori!
Si sono sedute, parlavano nella loro lingua. Una di loro deve aver detto qualcosa di divertente, tutte e quattro sono scoppiate in una risata contagiosa.
Era una meraviglia see them laugh! They have not stopped for a moment, spoke and continued to laugh, with tears in his eyes, and it was also climbed on the bus. In the end I laughed too. I did not understand a word they were saying, but put in a good mood. Yet the people around with their face hanging, he gave me the impression of being visibly annoyed by the laughter of those four spots of color. Some seem to think: "Why do not they stop messing around?".
And then I ask myself why people do not ride anymore? E 'can forget how to do?
[...] Even I laugh a little. It was beautiful to see them laugh.

Goodnight travelers,


Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Biggest Sharks In Saltwater


Salve viandanti!
Son qui nella mia stanza che sorseggio té (thé, tea, Tiè?! Come accidenti si scrive!?) della Coop per un mondo equo e solidale (se andate a far la spesa alla Coop cercate sempre i prodotti che recano questo bollino, mi raccomando).
Dicevo, son qui che sbevacchio e ascolto Björk, mentre navigo per il mondo (in senso lato ovviamente, purtoppo) alla ricerca di date di concerti. Sul sito di L'Aura ho visto nuove date e per un attimo ho avuto il flash di andare a Trieste il 13 ottobre. Ovviamente sono rinsavita un momento dopo, posando l'occhio sul mio portafoglio, gettato in un angolo, buono solo per tenerci dentro le monetine da due cents.
Trieste è lontana, ma Firenze lo è un pò meno. Quindi forse farò un pensierino per il 26 corrente mese, a Firenze appunto, in occasione del Festival della Creatività sempre per Elle Apostrofo. Il link della manifestazione è questo:
Okkei, io in quanto a creatività sono una frana. Ma non stiamo a guardare il pelo nell'uovo. Guardiamo il pulcino.

Uff, ho voglia di andare a sentire concerti! Sono in astinenza da note musicali. Da quando il mio portatile mi ha lasciata -e in concomitanza hanno ucciso a badilate il mulo- son più depressa che mai, con poca musica a cui aggrapparmi.
In "Footprints in the web" I added a link to their blog, the blog of lists. It is to be a lot of laughter on a Sunday a little apathetic and pseudo-autumn (look that great color that picture!). Good evening

webbatici travelers.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Safenet Usb Protection

Opinioni di un clown.

a few minutes past midnight. I burn my eyes but I do not want to die in bed, not yet. I'm deserting them, these places feel so cold, and I am pondering the idea of \u200b\u200b(re) back to my old, dear, yellowed diary. I wonder how it happened that I had left there, among so many books never read, flip through magazines distractedly, as if it were integral part of the rest. Yet there are in there years of thoughts, fears, weaknesses, dreams. And it's funny, because I know that if everything is now back rileggessi those same fears, and perhaps even the same dreams.
At the end of the dance step is always the same: I should stop worrying about what is not (and will never, I might add) and be aware of what they are. In the years that have passed, what I built, of what I am surrounded, of what I let slip away, or "simply" I wanted to run away. Step
these moments of stasis, in which I totally block, while the outside world continues to spin around. And I am afraid, fucking a fear of not being able to keep up with everything. To lose pieces, continuously, or do not pay any attention to many things we would like to my attention.
I also wonder what on earth am I doing here I above, to shoot paranoia in 'air as if they were gunshots, and then press "publish post" and expect to feel lighter.
What idiocy.

seems unbelievable now, but I wish you good night, wayfarers.

Ah. I leave this link here
It 's a photographer discovered in a completely random (you know, the powers of this infinite window on the world), that struck me very much.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Open Python Using A Batch

Corri, corri, corri, Run ....

Wednesday. From Sunday to Wednesday and I have not even noticed.
This means that I have done nothing , and that nothing is worth being reminded of those days that everything seems less than in autumn.
I do not want to leave. Put your foot out of the house causes me some problems, yet there is this window on the world webbica me still the apparent feeling of not being quite dead.
But the brain, that is, that's totally full of cotton wool.
words, thoughts, fears, or simple boredom, exchanged repartee, drink orange juice and rub his eyes, looking at the big clock on the wall and realize that they are spending hours upon hours as well. Moments on moments, così.
Intanto ascolto "Fisherman's Woman", che mi riempie di malinconia, e che oggi voglio regalare a qualcuno.

Buona giornata a tutti i viandanti di queste sponde.