Sunday, March 13, 2011

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ERA IL 22 MARZO 2010, UN ANNO FA.....

ERA March 22, 2010,

Waiting for Press Conference issued tomorrow by 15 March 2011 " Committee for the autonomy and the relaunch of the Friuli " and the "482 Committee "


TUESDAY 'March 15




will again present a paper published in the weekly "Catholic Life" March 22, 2010, exactly one year ago!

More protection for the Friulian language
The Catholic life UDINE (March 22, 2010)

Submitted the Committee's proposal for autonomy and the relaunch of Friuli

The Constitutional Court in a ruling in 2009 recognized the Friulian language is an element of individual and collective identity of vital importance. Based on this recognition, the Committee for the autonomy and the relaunch of Friuli has drafted a proposal, without any request for funds - has been confirmed - for an increase in protection of the Friulian language that passes through the autonomous status.

The proposal, contained in a document that the Committee will deliver to the Joint Commission-State Region, was described today in Udine (in the photo a moment of) the representatives of the Committee, Arnaldo Baracetti and Gianfranco D'Aronco together to the representatives of the organizations and institutions that have signed it: among them the City, the University and the Province of Udine and the Archdiocese. Also present were the parliamentary Pegorer Carlo (Pd), Pittoni Mario (Lega Nord) and Ferruccio Saro (PDL) and Pietro Fontanini, President of the Province of Udine and member of the Joint Commission.

One of the requests contained in the document is the creation of an identity card bilingual Friulian-Italian to be issued upon request to residents in the municipalities of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia friulanofoni. The Commission also calls on the Committee's commitment to the rules implementing the special status of the Region regarding the provisions of protection of the Friulian language and the teaching curriculum of the discipline is entrusted to the Friuli region, after hearing the Regional Education Office . addition, it was requested that in the places you friulanofone gives priority to teachers who have demonstrated knowledge of the Friulian language and culture before a regional commission. A previously applied for civil servants who know the Friuli, especially for the functions of 'front office. "
"It's going through the rules implementing regional autonomy, as suggested by the same Look, 'he told a news conference Cisilino William, Istitut pre Checo Placereani. "Do not seek more funds are asked only to be able to make better use of resources already available to exercise autonomy as the Autonomous Region on the theme of teaching and, in part, on the production of public office."
Now therefore the commitment goes to the joint committee, chaired by MEP John Collino.



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