Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beauty Salon Welcome Message

L. R. 2/2011 - Finanziamenti al sistema universitario regionale - Commento

LR 17 February 2011, No. 2


Regional Official Bulletin
n.008 of 23/2/2011






March 2011


With a large majority vote, the Regional Council approved, after a long process that began a year ago, the Law for the University and for the Conservatives in the region.
The Committee for the Autonomy of Friuli and the revival has given several times (starting from the hearing in cognitive Commission meeting), a critical contribution - constructive and proactive in order to improve the text originally submitted.
E' positivo l'aver previsto che per l'assegnazione dei fondi regionali si debba tener conto, in aggiunta ad altri requisiti, anche di “criteri perequativi” a parziale compensazione delle mancate o limitate erogazioni statali. E' l'antica questione del “sottofinanziamento” che oggi riguarda Udine e che domani potrebbe riguardare Trieste, questione che la Regione non può sanare ma che non può neppure ignorare.
         Va dato atto agli esponenti di tutti i Gruppi Consiliari, relatori ed Assessore in particular, on efforts to find solutions that respect the regional context, even if, as often happens, some problems remain open.
As for the "Regional Conference of the university system", body pretty crowded, we hope to do in practice and perspective view of the important tasks which it has under the law.
It should be noted that compared to months ago certainly changed the "climate" of the debate on the issue in State College.
Then he often spoke of the "Foundation" - public as a means of raising funds in support of the University and management of themselves. Today we talk about this. And it's also good because it does not just create a new container for new media especially in times of economic difficulty as the present.
It 'good to talk of "rewarding" and "regional university system" in which cooperation and competition coexist between universities as a prerequisite for important results of "quality" that are in the interest of the regional community.
This is the right way forward, not one that from time to time someone points out, the University only. The reasons are many and well known.
E 'the Region, subject to "specific" and "identity" of each university should develop policies careful, balanced, organic. A role that this also requires financial resources. E 'appreciates the additional allocation was added to the law not only for 2012 but for 2013. Serve however continuity over time and integrated manner.
A comprehensive evaluation on the law? frankly do not have the caliber of a major law or reform, I think, had the ambition to be. It 's a "good law" working with some innovative ideas though, as noted, not limited to the issues being raised.
Here is grafted an additional argument, perhaps the most important primarily from the perspective attribution to the Region, in the name of federalism , skills, now has, on the University. Whoever believes in the autonomy can only be a matter of principle for the transfer of all time more responsibilities from the State to the Region. But we must see how and under what conditions. With an increase in the regional partnership to taxes collected by the state in the region? With the simple transfer of funds that now the state allocates entity is insufficient to inequalities and University of Trieste and Udine? These are issues to be explored, to be evaluated carefully on the side of the "charges" not to be "discovered." The example of Trentino, a reality different from ours, should not be relied on uncritically, but it seriously "weighed". If you want to invoke new powers we start from the bottom with the subject "education."
         Sarebbe poi utile che la Regione facesse uno studio serio su ciò che l'acquisizione della competenza “Università” comporta nel medio lungo periodo.
         Stiamo sempre attenti a non dar vita ad operazioni che gioverebbero si allo Stato ma che potrebbero non giovare alla Regione.
         final issue with specific regard to the preparation of a new statute of the University of Friuli.
Without going into details of what will be the "statutory instrument" is to emphasize the positive attraction of the Chancellor to "function", in a sense particular, of the University Friulano is that, as the saying so often quoted Article 26 of Law 546 of 1977 (Law on Reconstruction and the Establishment of the University), "to contribute to civil progress, social and economic revival of the Friuli and staff to become a tool for development and renewal of the original strands of culture, language, traditions and history of Friuli. "
; This is to clarify in the fundamental, what is the mission of our university

Roberto Dominici
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La lettera è stata pubblicata

 il 4 marzo 2011

sul Settimanale



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