Thursday, January 13, 2011

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"A Gela is bought and sold more, there is increased circulation of money, the machine of progress has begun to set in motion, for streets you see many motor scooters with mirrors and ribbons and bows and saddles in fake leopard or zebra false.
and bars are the juke-box, and kiosks will sell more newspapers and more than a week, and tobacconists have seen an increase in requests for cigarettes that were not the usual simple alpha or national. And if the cinema is always two, but they show every night, and not as alternate evenings happened a few years ago. When this happens in a depressed area, another phenomenon comes out so clearly: the contradictions are no longer obscured and hidden, but squeak.
So, Gela 1962 can be given two images: one optimistic and one pessimistic. Pessimistic, if we limit ourselves to finding a state of extreme poverty in which he still lives most of the population, and lack of sewerage, sanitation, employment, poverty campaign, the shortage of classrooms and teachers, and lots of things remains to be done.
Optimistic, if you notice an increase in consumption, if you look at the future developments that l'impresa dell'ENI ha provocato e provocherà, alla costruzione del nuovo ospedale, alle case ed ai quartieri che sorgono alla periferia del vecchio centro urbano.
Gela è un paese aperto a tutte le possibilità, dove progresso e arretratezza si confondono ancora, e dove è certamente esploso il primo stadio - quello febbrile, per intenderci - della rivoluzione industriale e dove questa rivoluzione ha causato alcuni dei suoi effetti, ma sviluppandoli e accrescendoli in mezzo al caos ed al disordine e nella mancanza di una legislazione adeguata"  

Una veduta aerea Gela, in the years when the mining of oil changed the face of social and economic development of the town of Caltanissetta. Sicilian reportage once again in this post a report published in May 1962 by the magazine of the Touring Club of Italy 'The Streets of Italy', signed by Joseph Tarozzi

One click of the Gela petrochemical without indication of date of Ragusa photographer Giuseppe Leone,
from the catalog of the exhibition 'Writing Landscape', then Editore, Palermo, 1998

The report echoed by REPORTAGE SICILY is again taken from the monthly Touring Club of Italy 'Le Vie of Italy' , is dated May 1962 , ie during the period of maximum development of exploration and production of crude oil in the establishment of ENI, best known today as petrochemicals.
In 1956, the probes Mineraria had discovered a 3230 meters deep in the Lord's plan, an oil: Wells grew rapidly, especially among Miroglio the valley, the river Gela and sea, up to exceed thirty weeks where 'The Streets of Italy' realized reportage. At that time, employed in the oil were about 4,000, the same aspect of Gela, had been modified: the production of petrochemicals had required an investment of 130 billion lire and the need to pave 500 acres of sandy soil, where slide roads, canals and cement production plants.
industrial area - not far from the 'terragni', the houses and humid with no toilets, inhabited by the poorest - the four areas transformed the crude into gasoline, diesel and bitumen, here were also produced ethylene and nitrogen products , ammonium sulphate, urea e coke.
Le previsioni indicarono la possibilità di ricavare petrolio da circa 200 pozzi, ma le potenzialità del giacimento nisseno si rivelarono presto ben inferiori, a causa anche dell'eccessiva densità e viscosità del greggio gelese.
 Firmato da Giuseppe Tarozzi - due anni prima la produzione di uno straordinario documentario scritto da Leonardo Sciascia   'Gela antica e moderna', realizzato da  Giuseppe Ferrara  -  il resoconto della situazione socio-economica then the town of Caltanissetta, a photographer can still see perfectly the contradictions in Gela: that of her employment situation - now in deficit and no longer guaranteed employment levels by the years of the 'oil boom' - and that of an environmental situation full of unknowns, as demonstrated by the high number of infant malformations recorded in recent decades, and recent assessments of the local Coast Guard

Boys and Gela children in the street with the workers of the petrochemical, during the years of greatest activity of the plants, the number of employees reached 4,000 units

In these two color photos of Italo Zannier - published in 1968 in the book 'The Coast of Italy - Sicily ', published by Eni Milan - is evident invasiveness petrochemical plant in the making and economic Gela.
"The city, with its haphazard growth, the result of the economic and demographic development caused by the presence of big industry - says the text accompanying the photos (the text of the book are coordinated by Errico Ascione and Italo Insolera) - is close on all sides by functional and efficient structures that forced daily to a humiliating confrontation, compounded even more by not being able to participate socially and economically, to the processes of renewal set in motion by ' industry.
Gela has paradoxically become the periphery of its surroundings "

Situated on a hill overlooking the Strait of Sicily, along a long sandy beach, Gela was one of the largest Doric Greek colonies on the island, founded 689 BC by Antifemo of Rhodes and the Cretans of Euthymus: a story documented by numerous archaeological sites, both terrestrial and marine, the latter hidden ; still in the seabed off the town.

Faces and Places of Gela, which refer to the period before the intensive oil exploration, Mining started in 1956 by Agip, above, farmers on the steps of a church and extraordinary coastal landscape of Capo Soprano, natural environment today finally disappeared. The crops consisted of cotton - which trade to the nearby Malta - and cereals.
Below, a stretch of the old fortifications of the Greek colony of Doric origin and a glimpse of the Archaeological Museum, inaugurated during the months of peak travel in search of oil.

The Archaeological Museum was founded in 1958, during the peak of development in the oil sector, a celebration of the glories of the ancient Greek city, just when everything was changing: the face of the territory, its environmental balance and the prospect of a developing economy, mainly tourism-related offering of culture and nature.
Gela today boasts a square dedicated to Enrico Mattei, but one wonders what is now the future of the petrochemical, after the last two decades of policies for the disposal and the new hypothesis of a disengagement ENI: .

The photographs are taken over from the post 'Gela, statues and oil', Joseph Tarozzi / Scalfati / Fotocielo published in 'The Streets of Italy' TCI in May 1962, 'Sicilia ', Aldo Pecora, the series' regions of Italy ', UTET, 1974,' Sicilia ', volume II of the series' tuttitalia-encyclopedia of ancient and modern ', GCSansoni, 1962,' Sicilia ', the series' through Italy ', published by TCI, 1961


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