Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can You Get High Def From Vga

Tutela della minoranza linguistica storica friulana: basta prenderci in giro!

edition of Udine

Saturday, February 19, 2011

book "To mail and e-mail "



of Robert Michieli

learning from the local press that the de ' culture commissioner De Anna organizes , 21-23 February , three days of listening, a sort of "States-General of minority languages" . purpose of this initiative? "Interventions collected during the day listening will be examined and approved funds to establish the program re gional conference for each language minority regions and areas, "states the commissioner in the press. Again, always known aunts press, the commissioner hopes that such conferences can they king "is home to process the evidence that has come in the days is dedicated to single out indi operational by Rizzi bring to the attention tion of the legislature in order to reform organic shared from the territory. "

Reform organized Nica industry? is a joke right? Let me remind Elio De Anna only two "small" details : 1) the Regional Law 29/2007 is for three years totally not implemented because of lack of all regulations ; 2) regarding the Department of Cul ra, when the commissioner De Anna restore the loans reset, please reset rati (2010 regional financial and 2011) to radio stations without you? Among other things, were also cleared funding to the story about broadcaster Radio Waves Furla it, putting it in a difficult financial situation. Radio that because of this absurd choice ta policy which violates section 3 de ll'articolo regional 20 of Law 29/2007 the , March 1 will be co close to cut 60% of its news programs. Finan ziamenti garantiti da Molinaro per la Finanziaria 2011 ed elimi­ nati da De Anna .

Invece di inutili passerelle, perché non si proce­ de rapidamente a predisporre al­meno i Regolamenti più sempli­ ci e privi di complicazioni burocratiche , come l'articolo di legge sopra citato ( articolo 20 punto 3, Legge regionale 29/2007: «La Re­ gione sostiene le emittenti radiof oniche che trasmettono pro grammi in lingua friulana. Il so­ stegno è proporzionato alla per­centuale di programmi trasmes­ si in lingua friulana e a quelli pro­ dotti in proprio» ) ?

La tutela della lingua friulana ha già alle spalle tre anni (dal 2008 a oggi) letteralmente buttati via perché la giunta regionale di Renzo Tondo, fino a oggi, non sol­ tanto è rimasta immobile, ma ha fatto molto di peggio: ha infatti greatly reduced the already poor financial financing and created problems and difficulties of all sorts to the policy language tic protection of the Friulian language. How can the com petence policy of protection of the Friulian language is not one industry, but on the contrary, divided between two departments ? genuine craziness policy at a t to be amateurs. Not to mention two key institutional ni za for minoran Friuli: the Silce ( di fatto can­ cellato) e l ' Arlef (ridotto ai mini mi termini dalla politica regiona­ le).

In questa chiarissima situazione di sistematica violazione dei diritti linguistici della minoran­za linguistica storica friulana, Elio De Anna non trova nulla di meglio da proporre che «lo Stato generale delle lingue minorita rie»? Come, assessor, does not offend our intelligence and its za! For three years the junta re gional Renzo Tondo there are "mocking", is now ba . Dia implementation of the Law 29/2007 and re gional forget it useless conferences!

If you need to "clear his head" the remember that in June 2010, three regional linguistic minorities are been answered by the experts I minorities of the Council of Europe, visiting the region. On that occasion minorities have the same mission given to these experts written reports on their situation tion of protection. Ask him and give you a copy.


The Editor's Blog states that the This letter was also published by :

1) Weekly "Catholic Life" - Book "Open Journal" ed. of 18 February 2011

2) newspaper Il Gazzettino ed. Udine - Book "Letters" - of February 12, 2011



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