Sunday, February 27, 2011

Iphone Stream Headset


Stats gjenerâi

lengh of minoritariis

Miercus he di Fevrâr 23 2011

DOS Propuesta


Lis Propuestis from


RELAUNCH from Friuli

The TIMP available to the masses has short black par Pode rasonaments draw chest and it seems to merit or Claris dome cualchi pont not Comitât eg by self-and recovery from Friuli.

1) congresses that while initiatives cheste enough that the "sentinel" no "evaporates" that TIMP, and that no one dibant Pandi, and ancje park that Regjon and cjapi pardabon cussience which fats and no dome declarazions cu lis, the three positive coesistence minorancis linguistichis on the part Buin mutivin par une vue know jessi Regjon special.

2) In 10 agns lives de lec regjonâl 482, repass Daspi 50 agns of bataiis, the finanziaments spietìn in the dashboard are diminuîts planks, a son Aromaa ridusûts a tal che Entitats naked puarte thought cuasi cuasi has a cjolte in zîr of minorancis linguistiche.

3) Read Trasmiras RAI puartadis by Indena Pócs minutes in lengh Furlane Sperimentale in life, I fonts graciis regjonâi has its fermadis by e no demerit o by inutilitât of stessa. In his agns Disin che o che al furlan to jentrâ tai di servizi di contracts Ministeri-Rai al dongji sloven. Rain Voltis the notarisation parlamentar e di Vigjilance to DAT favorevul opinion, my dibant. A altre volte di Aministrazion he Counci RAI de contrat à aprovât the service furlan the rags in beards 482 and ae ae lec volontât by Parlament, there fasarâe the Regjon? And have remained at or cjalâ afrontarâ the problem with locals privadis emitentis Chei de lis that Curin Transmissions in furlan?
Al is a public service that goes to garantît.

4) other races that valorizâ lenga, Covent valorizâ ancje the history, culture of populism.

5) Cuant that the Constitutional Court and à sentenziât, confirming the implant, on the, LEC regjonâl 29 from 2007, to DAT and a sugjeriment impuartant : dilates de lis competencis Regjon cun gnovis normis atuazion of the Statut de autonomy. The REFERENCE is that the articulo 3 of ultin chest. The window Comitât President cul de Province of Udine, cul Sindic of Udin, the rhetoric of University of Udine, we are Glesie incuintrâts cu DELEGATION Regjonâl the cul de commission equal and I know President. E je une stade esaminade assumptions and rules that je stade judicade fatibil. Dut tasiâl Park?

6) The Regjon little to no ignoring that à une know LEC (the 29) from the PAL insegnament furlan tes scuelis . and A aplicâle that the first group cidin, and that the vast je maiorance gjenitôrs by the students, and decît no jessi cidine pluie. Bisugne close daurman which adempiments aplicatîfs that I am one in favor ritart, scoltant and tignint Q. des opinions by esperts consultâts.
No à simpre of CIRI is a par rimpin no Nuie ago.

7) The Regjon and there à une Fuart of policy initiatives, (but makes par and chest à Croda) ancje Viers Viers and the stats themselves.
La cuestión "fonts" and "becs" no dome flat state, and je ancje regjonâl and no regjon dismenteâlu bit.

The puartevôs from Comitât eg
Autonomie e il rilanç dal Friûl
Bepi Agostinis


Comitât 482

Aromai a son cuasi dîs agns che il Comitât – Odbor – Komitaat – Comitato 482 al è impegnât intal difindi i dirits linguistics des comunitâts from Friuli. Chest nus à permetût to bind to the viodi of dongje svilups des politichis to promote languages \u200b\u200bin favor metudis nivel regjonâl you are, you're nivel state. Al is on the bottom of duncje cheste esperience that profitìn or by Stats Gjenerâi des lenghis minoritariis imbastîts de Aministrazion regjonâl ago indenant par des propuestis concretis on the Friulian language policies pal.

The Regjon and available à une lec gnove par promoting Lenghe furlane - LR 29/07 - but not the doprava. If that is true and je pues simpre makes Mior, chel istès you Trate of an imprest pardabon impuartant nassût a moment of confrontation and dibatiment significatîf . Par or chest that methyl Crodino in favor cheste lec to Sares a pas indenant impuartant eg promotion by Furlan. Par or chel that Savin, no LEC je stade INMO metude at par in that way, and that after three agns je stade do Buin, the stats are not regolaments atuatîfs ancjemò aprovâts. The aprovazion of chescj regolaments and aplicazion de lec 07.29 nus burdens duncje une Priorität .

par meti in favor of lis LECS protection and promotion of language and control that lu par pal stages Mior to Coventina ancje struments operatîfs adats . And holy je scugne alue precarietât overcome the situation of which is the postage Intai ultins agns organisims that are clamâts to chescj compits, a Taça de Agjenzie Regjonâl eg Lenghe Furlane and Services regjonâl that the Viot des identitâts linguistichis. No one makes mancul pues bit of a coordenament continuatîf between Assessorâts doi regjonâi that dividin lis competencis of chest Setor ancje park that language policies in the pro Furlan, if ancje declinade in muts and contescj diferents, no pues che jessi unitarie.

La politiche linguistiche si svilupe su plui cjamps, chei di fonde a son trê, ven a dî: scuele, media e aministrazion publiche. Se no si metin risorsis suficientis in ducj e trê i setôrs si cjatisi cuntune politiche linguistiche çuete. Intai ultins doi agns lis risorsis regjonâls pai mieçs di comunicazion che a lavorin di plui par promovi la lenghe furlane – o sei lis emitentis radiotelevisivis privadis – a son stadis azeradis. Si à duncje di comedâ daurman cheste situazion prime di causâ dams definitîfs the landscape, za debul from mieçs of newsletters par Furlan. Par chel that the lis rivuarde ultimis gnovis on contractual services jenfri Rai and Guvier Taliani, the tierce is cjatìn contract file (Fri to dî nûf agns and past) of violation de lec 482/99: une situation scandalous.

4) It seems that lis ativitâts par promoting the furlan puartadis indenant sogjets privâts by six of which operate in the publics Chei Mior
and Covent continuitât ee je bisugne that TIMPs burocratics par checks or für finanziaments regjonâi to the SEDIN sigûrs and Pluie pussibil centrâts on imprin from an. Cun's Pluie, especially tai moments here that are of a lis risorsis mancul, is to impuartant Poia soredut Chei sogjets svilupin that one function and are in strategjiche eg Lenghe been to ensure criteris of cualitât and services from continuitât ufiert.

One other element is the one favor impuartant chel to ensure stabilitât Chei of elements that are in the blends par cualsisei language policies, a Taça de spellings uficiâl and de presince varietât of each standard (which mates lis varietâts locals) . Each pas indaûr chescj aspiets on the crystal volarès agns work and dutis lis risorsis that are very StadiS dopradis cumò eg normalizazion language.

The puartevôs from Comitât 482
Carli Pup

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jeans Levanta Cola In New York


Stats gjenerâi
des lenghis minoritariis
Miercus 23 of 2011 Fevre

Setemanâl the FRIULI
No. 7 - 25, 2011 Fevre

Mount by Furlan from dongje
di Federica Angeli
Inviade la discussion dai prins “Stâts gjenerâi des lenghis minoritariis”, cun tancj cantins che a restin ancjemò vierts.
Trê dîs pes lenghis mi­ noritariis, par scoltâ esigjencis, dibisugnis e conseis. Chest l'obietîf dai assessôrs regjonâi Elio De Anna e Roberto Molinaro.
Dasp ò di todescs e slovens, la trê Dis is where stats is sierade gjenerâi de Lenghe furlane.
Passe 100 personis in Rapra sentance ents of, or associated Zions singui citadins, you are Dadis dongje regjonâl this auditorium. Pecjât that politics in jerina POCS, the dut cas Numara the alt must consider is that cemût has publicizât the event and that you are cemût invidadis lis ciazions ace.

" Continuity t "and the je perau that the dyspepsia is sintude Pluie tai 35 intervents regjistrâts.
Ducj àn to ask yourself that streams to ensure the continuitât by finanziaments Park that Daspi of 15 agns de apli application de LR 15/96, 10 agns L. 482/99 and passe de 3 de LR 29/07, is no pues Pluie language policy is one series cun progjets one-off, which fonts that rivin tart and pro gramazion plurienâl which re exists a miracle.


The situation je Grive : taiâts fonts pai programs radio / tv lis cu in agreement emitentis privadis and Rai, tierce contractual services Rai Nol des disposizions ten cont de L. 482/99, No more rico gnossiment eg by training insegnants, weakens the mind of Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane, la preca rietât contratuâl di ducj i ope radôr s dal setôr.
In chest panora me si spietin ancje­ m ò i regolaments atuatîfs de L.R. 29/07. Argoment che al urte l'assessôr De Anna cuant che al ven nomenât pe prime volte di Kristian Franzil, assessór dal Comun di Udin, ma che al è stât pò ri batût a fuart te plui part dai intervents.
Un strument di politiche linguisti che la regjon lu à za e, se si lu met ès in vore, tancj dai pro blemis di vuê si risolva ressin: programazion plurienâl, programs radio/tv, plans di politiche linguistiche, didatiche..... te leç, si fevele di dut, ma step 3 and agns je ancjemò letare muarte.
Biele the efforts of scouts lis vo s from esperts, Positif cjapât commitment from assessors that Setor de newsletters, but hopefully dut Nol chest six doprât par postponed indefinitely an cjemò gabled the Scripture from regolaments de LR 29/07, the only stuff that and Covent pardabon.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Food Poisoning And Swollen Stomach

Quartiere della Kalsa, esterno del neo-gotico palazzo Forcella-De Seta.
Foto di Katia Arrìus per REPORTAGE SICILIA

Bushnell 16x32 Binoculars


Un gruppo di sette pescatori nel lido della Plaja, a Sud di Catania, in posa per l'obiettivo del fotografo Italo Zannier.
The image is taken from the book 'The Coast of Italy - Sicily', Eni Milan 1968

Yellow Wood Fingerboard

"Bellodi felt like a convalescent: sensitive, tender, hungry. 'To hell with Sicily, to hell with everything'.
came home around midnight, crossing the whole city on foot. Parma was enchanted snow, silent, deserted. 'In Sicily, snowfalls are rare,' he thought, and that perhaps the nature of civilization was given by the snow or sun, depending on whether snow or sunshine prevailed. There was a bit confused. But before we get home he knew, clearly, to love to Sicily and we would return.
- there I break my head - she said aloud, "

Leonardo Sciascia, 'The Day of the Owl', Einaudi, 1961

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Short Skirt No Underwear


of Fevre

Logo de "Pairing 1511"

Joibe to 24 of Fevre
Coseani. Salt auditorium "The galet"
20.30. Conversazion on historical riviel Joibe de Grasse. Intervents of Carli Pup. In collaboration cun SFF
Sabido the 26 Fevre

Auditorium "Puppo A."
20.30. Friuli Joibe de Grasse from 1511, with Luigino Peressini , Carli PUP e il Grup strumentale "S. Margherita "In
colaborazion co murus says, Serling SOC. coop.
Radio Where Furlan - FIELD 27 says there Fevre
8:30 to 18:30. Zornade Furlan Dirits dai, su Radio Special programazion Where Furlan. In
colaborazion with Informazione Friulian / Furlan Radio Where, Comitato 482

common says Udinese
(Zobia Fat)

From February 25 to March 8
Project Gallery - Palazzo Morpurgo - "The story of Zobia Fat" from documentary sources to printed publications - Opening Friday, Feb. 25 - 17:30
From February 25 to ' March 8
Living of the People - Palace Aronco
Historical costumes - XV-XVI century
by the Group Mediovale Borgo Pracchiuso

Saturday February 26
Terrapieno Piazza Libertà - 10.00 -
Carnival civic student
- In the fifth centenary of the "cruel Zobia Fat ", edited by Fogolar Civic e dell’Accademia dal Friul

ore 17.00 –
Lungo le vie del sangue - partendo dal Castello di Udine alla riscoperta dei luoghi della feroce rivolta popolare del Giovedì Grasso del 1511.    Su prenotazione.
Domenica 27 febbraio

Salone Parliament of the Castle - 17.00
1511: a world turned upside down? Conversation on the revolt of Udine Giovanni Levi, Furio Bianco and Gianpaolo Gri
leads Andrea Zannini. Intermezzi the musical production of the Friuli area of \u200b\u200b500 by DRAMSAM - Giuliano Centre for Early Music, with Paul Cecere and
Fabio Accurso

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free Unblocked Games For School


Seniors' Club in the Hunters Partanna, the agricultural center in Trapani in the Belice Valley. posted by Sicilian reportage Photographs were taken by Francis Cusenza, a young photojournalist partannese. "My photographs are to maintain the memory of a local company where there are more young people: Today, the risk is to miss the future identity of the country "

era of compact cameras or digital SLR with a myriad of functions, there are young photographers still love to use that in Sicily and reflex mechanical negatives in black and white: tools now obsolete, but capable - just for the truly amateur approach imposed by their use - to capture the soul of the subjects represented.
With this approach, the 24 year old Francis Cusenza - majoring in Literature at Trent, resident in the province of Bergamo for a couple of years, photographer for the non-profit 'Shoot4Change' - is back in his Partanna for a photo report from the people and places in the center of Trapani Belice.

Cusenza's photographs are the result of a sentimental dedication and technique that also crosses the door of the darkroom, where the prints are just the finished product images are carefully planned by the author.
"Every time I come Partanna - says Francesco Cusenza - I realize that the youth of the country is disappearing, for work or study; I can not find a friend in the meantime, an immigrant like me, away from Sicily, and I closed the bar or the restaurant that was one of our meeting place. Partanna is becoming a country of old people: with the disappearance of the boys the country risks losing its identity, and that is why photography is a means of preserving the memory of its people, its culture. "

"Every time I come Partanna, I realize that the youth of the country is disappearing, for work or study, I can not find a friend in the meantime, an immigrant like me away from Sicily, and I closed the bar or the local that was one of our meeting place ... "

In reportage Cusenza - posted by Sicilian reportage photographs were taken between September and December of 2010 - the elderly Partanna tell then the reality of a society belicina that are endangered because of the impossibility to ensure an economic future for its youth today, as in years before and after the earthquake of 1968.

E 'this socially disoriented in some way that exemplified dall'antefatto preceded the release of the first of the photos posted. "I joined the club in the Hunters - Francis Cusenza remember - and I have noticed that the five seniors who were sleeping on the couch. Out loud, I've woken up. I told them to settle down because I wanted to photograph them, they have placed the caps on their heads and left them without protest framed ... "

In other shots , Cusenza reveals his attention to old objects of daily use wicker baskets, copper pots or glass bottles.

In these photographs there is no trace of complacency folklore, but rather, the perception of an everyday reality yet linked to customs of a past that is together the wealth and poverty of much of Sicily today.

Architecture Partanna. Cusenza Francesco's photographs have been performed again with negative film and printed by the author between September and December of 2010

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Can A Bank Block My Account For





February 22, 2011

E 'is certainly surprising news of the approval of the contract of service by the Board of Directors of RAI without it, containing the items in the Friulian language broadcasts. is surprising both because the assurances were given regarding dates and also published by influential regional leaders, both because it is the law itself to predict when it has the tools to protect historic minority languages. And Friulian is defined and recognized by law 482 of 1999.

For many years che il Comitato per l'Autonomia ed il Rilancio del Friuli, in particolare con l'on. Baracetti, l'Università del Friuli, la Chiesa udinese, il Sindaco del Capoluogo, il Presidente della Provincia, con il coordinamento prima dell'allora Rettore Honsell e poi dell'Assessore Regionale Molinaro, patrocinano nelle sedi romane il diritto a trasmissioni Radio, opportunamente dimensionate, in lingua friulana.

Con finanziamenti regionali si è condotta per ben due anni una trasmissione sperimentale, detta di approfondimento, in friulano, trasmissione che non può certo essere annoverata tra quelle inutili o poco utili che abbiano demeritato.

Anche la Commissione parlamentare di Vigilanza si è espressa, credo alla unanimità, con parere favorevole.

Evidentemente la RAI si sente in una posizione tale da poter ignorare e non considerare, certamente disattendere, anche alla volontà parlamentare. Il che fa pensare. 

Ed allora cosa fare? È la politica, come sempre, che deve mettersi in moto se non vuole essere semplice spettatrice degli eventi. È il Governo che deve dire, e dire chiaramente, la sua posto che ora, dopo la approvazione del RAI Board of Directors, there shall be the governmental approval. They are the MPs who can not afford to be absent or be mere spectators.

is the region that first must take the initiative in respect of the relevant Minister, acting promptly and decisively. If so we will still hope for a positive outcome, even in extremis. ... Otherwise we will know who to thank.

Roberto Dominici

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can You Get High Def From Vga

Tutela della minoranza linguistica storica friulana: basta prenderci in giro!

edition of Udine

Saturday, February 19, 2011

book "To mail and e-mail "



of Robert Michieli

learning from the local press that the de ' culture commissioner De Anna organizes , 21-23 February , three days of listening, a sort of "States-General of minority languages" . purpose of this initiative? "Interventions collected during the day listening will be examined and approved funds to establish the program re gional conference for each language minority regions and areas, "states the commissioner in the press. Again, always known aunts press, the commissioner hopes that such conferences can they king "is home to process the evidence that has come in the days is dedicated to single out indi operational by Rizzi bring to the attention tion of the legislature in order to reform organic shared from the territory. "

Reform organized Nica industry? is a joke right? Let me remind Elio De Anna only two "small" details : 1) the Regional Law 29/2007 is for three years totally not implemented because of lack of all regulations ; 2) regarding the Department of Cul ra, when the commissioner De Anna restore the loans reset, please reset rati (2010 regional financial and 2011) to radio stations without you? Among other things, were also cleared funding to the story about broadcaster Radio Waves Furla it, putting it in a difficult financial situation. Radio that because of this absurd choice ta policy which violates section 3 de ll'articolo regional 20 of Law 29/2007 the , March 1 will be co close to cut 60% of its news programs. Finan ziamenti garantiti da Molinaro per la Finanziaria 2011 ed elimi­ nati da De Anna .

Invece di inutili passerelle, perché non si proce­ de rapidamente a predisporre al­meno i Regolamenti più sempli­ ci e privi di complicazioni burocratiche , come l'articolo di legge sopra citato ( articolo 20 punto 3, Legge regionale 29/2007: «La Re­ gione sostiene le emittenti radiof oniche che trasmettono pro grammi in lingua friulana. Il so­ stegno è proporzionato alla per­centuale di programmi trasmes­ si in lingua friulana e a quelli pro­ dotti in proprio» ) ?

La tutela della lingua friulana ha già alle spalle tre anni (dal 2008 a oggi) letteralmente buttati via perché la giunta regionale di Renzo Tondo, fino a oggi, non sol­ tanto è rimasta immobile, ma ha fatto molto di peggio: ha infatti greatly reduced the already poor financial financing and created problems and difficulties of all sorts to the policy language tic protection of the Friulian language. How can the com petence policy of protection of the Friulian language is not one industry, but on the contrary, divided between two departments ? genuine craziness policy at a t to be amateurs. Not to mention two key institutional ni za for minoran Friuli: the Silce ( di fatto can­ cellato) e l ' Arlef (ridotto ai mini mi termini dalla politica regiona­ le).

In questa chiarissima situazione di sistematica violazione dei diritti linguistici della minoran­za linguistica storica friulana, Elio De Anna non trova nulla di meglio da proporre che «lo Stato generale delle lingue minorita rie»? Come, assessor, does not offend our intelligence and its za! For three years the junta re gional Renzo Tondo there are "mocking", is now ba . Dia implementation of the Law 29/2007 and re gional forget it useless conferences!

If you need to "clear his head" the remember that in June 2010, three regional linguistic minorities are been answered by the experts I minorities of the Council of Europe, visiting the region. On that occasion minorities have the same mission given to these experts written reports on their situation tion of protection. Ask him and give you a copy.


The Editor's Blog states that the This letter was also published by :

1) Weekly "Catholic Life" - Book "Open Journal" ed. of 18 February 2011

2) newspaper Il Gazzettino ed. Udine - Book "Letters" - of February 12, 2011
