Stats gjenerâi
lengh of minoritariis
Miercus he di Fevrâr 23 2011
DOS Propuesta
Lis Propuestis from
RELAUNCH from Friuli
The TIMP available to the masses has short black par Pode rasonaments draw chest and it seems to merit or Claris dome cualchi pont not Comitât eg by self-and recovery from Friuli.
1) congresses that while initiatives cheste enough that the "sentinel" no "evaporates" that TIMP, and that no one dibant Pandi, and ancje park that Regjon and cjapi pardabon cussience which fats and no dome declarazions cu lis, the three positive coesistence minorancis linguistichis on the part Buin mutivin par une vue know jessi Regjon special.
2) In 10 agns lives de lec regjonâl 482, repass Daspi 50 agns of bataiis, the finanziaments spietìn in the dashboard are diminuîts planks, a son Aromaa ridusûts a tal che Entitats naked puarte thought cuasi cuasi has a cjolte in zîr of minorancis linguistiche.
3) Read Trasmiras RAI puartadis by Indena Pócs minutes in lengh Furlane Sperimentale in life, I fonts graciis regjonâi has its fermadis by e no demerit o by inutilitât of stessa. In his agns Disin che o che al furlan to jentrâ tai di servizi di contracts Ministeri-Rai al dongji sloven. Rain Voltis the notarisation parlamentar e di Vigjilance to DAT favorevul opinion, my dibant. A altre volte di Aministrazion he Counci RAI de contrat à aprovât the service furlan the rags in beards 482 and ae ae lec volontât by Parlament, there fasarâe the Regjon? And have remained at or cjalâ afrontarâ the problem with locals privadis emitentis Chei de lis that Curin Transmissions in furlan?
Al is a public service that goes to garantît.
4) other races that valorizâ lenga, Covent valorizâ ancje the history, culture of populism.
5) Cuant that the Constitutional Court and à sentenziât, confirming the implant, on the, LEC regjonâl 29 from 2007, to DAT and a sugjeriment impuartant : dilates de lis competencis Regjon cun gnovis normis atuazion of the Statut de autonomy. The REFERENCE is that the articulo 3 of ultin chest. The window Comitât President cul de Province of Udine, cul Sindic of Udin, the rhetoric of University of Udine, we are Glesie incuintrâts cu DELEGATION Regjonâl the cul de commission equal and I know President. E je une stade esaminade assumptions and rules that je stade judicade fatibil. Dut tasiâl Park?
6) The Regjon little to no ignoring that à une know LEC (the 29) from the PAL insegnament furlan tes scuelis . and A aplicâle that the first group cidin, and that the vast je maiorance gjenitôrs by the students, and decît no jessi cidine pluie. Bisugne close daurman which adempiments aplicatîfs that I am one in favor ritart, scoltant and tignint Q. des opinions by esperts consultâts.
No à simpre of CIRI is a par rimpin no Nuie ago.
7) The Regjon and there à une Fuart of policy initiatives, (but makes par and chest à Croda) ancje Viers Viers and the stats themselves.
La cuestión "fonts" and "becs" no dome flat state, and je ancje regjonâl and no regjon dismenteâlu bit.
The puartevôs from Comitât eg
Autonomie e il rilanç dal Friûl
Bepi Agostinis
Comitât 482
Aromai a son cuasi dîs agns che il Comitât – Odbor – Komitaat – Comitato 482 al è impegnât intal difindi i dirits linguistics des comunitâts from Friuli. Chest nus à permetût to bind to the viodi of dongje svilups des politichis to promote languages \u200b\u200bin favor metudis nivel regjonâl you are, you're nivel state. Al is on the bottom of duncje cheste esperience that profitìn or by Stats Gjenerâi des lenghis minoritariis imbastîts de Aministrazion regjonâl ago indenant par des propuestis concretis on the Friulian language policies pal.
1) The Regjon and available à une lec gnove par promoting Lenghe furlane - LR 29/07 - but not the doprava. If that is true and je pues simpre makes Mior, chel istès you Trate of an imprest pardabon impuartant nassût a moment of confrontation and dibatiment significatîf . Par or chest that methyl Crodino in favor cheste lec to Sares a pas indenant impuartant eg promotion by Furlan. Par or chel that Savin, no LEC je stade INMO metude at par in that way, and that after three agns je stade do Buin, the stats are not regolaments atuatîfs ancjemò aprovâts. The aprovazion of chescj regolaments and aplicazion de lec 07.29 nus burdens duncje une Priorität .
1) The Regjon and available à une lec gnove par promoting Lenghe furlane - LR 29/07 - but not the doprava. If that is true and je pues simpre makes Mior, chel istès you Trate of an imprest pardabon impuartant nassût a moment of confrontation and dibatiment significatîf . Par or chest that methyl Crodino in favor cheste lec to Sares a pas indenant impuartant eg promotion by Furlan. Par or chel that Savin, no LEC je stade INMO metude at par in that way, and that after three agns je stade do Buin, the stats are not regolaments atuatîfs ancjemò aprovâts. The aprovazion of chescj regolaments and aplicazion de lec 07.29 nus burdens duncje une Priorität .
2) par meti in favor of lis LECS protection and promotion of language and control that lu par pal stages Mior to Coventina ancje struments operatîfs adats . And holy je scugne alue precarietât overcome the situation of which is the postage Intai ultins agns organisims that are clamâts to chescj compits, a Taça de Agjenzie Regjonâl eg Lenghe Furlane and Services regjonâl that the Viot des identitâts linguistichis. No one makes mancul pues bit of a coordenament continuatîf between Assessorâts doi regjonâi that dividin lis competencis of chest Setor ancje park that language policies in the pro Furlan, if ancje declinade in muts and contescj diferents, no pues che jessi unitarie.
3) La politiche linguistiche si svilupe su plui cjamps, chei di fonde a son trê, ven a dî: scuele, media e aministrazion publiche. Se no si metin risorsis suficientis in ducj e trê i setôrs si cjatisi cuntune politiche linguistiche çuete. Intai ultins doi agns lis risorsis regjonâls pai mieçs di comunicazion che a lavorin di plui par promovi la lenghe furlane – o sei lis emitentis radiotelevisivis privadis – a son stadis azeradis. Si à duncje di comedâ daurman cheste situazion prime di causâ dams definitîfs the landscape, za debul from mieçs of newsletters par Furlan. Par chel that the lis rivuarde ultimis gnovis on contractual services jenfri Rai and Guvier Taliani, the tierce is cjatìn contract file (Fri to dî nûf agns and past) of violation de lec 482/99: une situation scandalous.
4) It seems that lis ativitâts par promoting the furlan puartadis indenant sogjets privâts by six of which operate in the publics Chei Mior and Covent continuitât ee je bisugne that TIMPs burocratics par checks or für finanziaments regjonâi to the SEDIN sigûrs and Pluie pussibil centrâts on imprin from an. Cun's Pluie, especially tai moments here that are of a lis risorsis mancul, is to impuartant Poia soredut Chei sogjets svilupin that one function and are in strategjiche eg Lenghe been to ensure criteris of cualitât and services from continuitât ufiert.
5) One other element is the one favor impuartant chel to ensure stabilitât Chei of elements that are in the blends par cualsisei language policies, a Taça de spellings uficiâl and de presince varietât of each standard (which mates lis varietâts locals) . Each pas indaûr chescj aspiets on the crystal volarès agns work and dutis lis risorsis that are very StadiS dopradis cumò eg normalizazion language.
The puartevôs from Comitât 482
Carli Pup