"The real attraction Egadi Levanzo ... It's not a steep rock, beautiful. The surface of the stone turns gray here and there markings as embers under the ashes, rows of prickly pears and agaves add a tint of green that is so soft a tone just above the gray stone ... The shores of this rock are varied, full of unexpected reasons, and c ' is also a stack, the less extensive than those in Capri, but still a nice spike of rock crumbled like a pyramid ... "
Thus, in 1970, Professor Cesare Brandi - founder of the Central Institute for Restoration of Siena and Professor of Medieval and Modern History of the University of Palermo, and then later in Rome - described in the work 'Sicilia my' published by seller in 1989, the smallest of the islands of Trapani Egadi.
Levanzo, Brandi then remarked that, "even more of the Aeolian islands, if you take a group of houses in the small port, it seems that there has been no human footprint. And instead - still noticed the famous art critic, referring to the presence of known prehistoric paintings and engravings of the cave of the Genovese - were here before in the Po valley, our distant ancestors. "
A similar opinion is expressed in a monthly report published by the TCI 'The Streets of Italy', in February of 1955, which states that the island - then connected to Trapani from the old steam 'Lampedusa' , on Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays - is perhaps the one that most meets the ideal man who seeks the primitive nature. Has only three hundred inhabitants - the anonymous columnist wrote - and you will soon know all the work and the horizons of these people. First, the work of fishing, then there is the pastoral and Parodi vineyards that have planted on the plateau above the town, and that there appeared to be the most charming corner of the island. Is there any shop for the purchase of basic necessities, but the water tank is. After a few steps outside the town you do not see any more, sometimes giving the illusion of being the only inhabitants of the earth .... "
In fact, Levanzo still retains the same rugged and natural beauty described by Cesare Brandi and the magazine of the TCI, and although the island keeps his jealous group of fans who attend every month of the year, its clear a few seasons and cold inlets are home to growing groups of swimmers from the blond hair and a Scandinavian language: Swedish tourists, who have known through Levanzo one of the television episodes of Montalbano, in this island that was home to one of his deejay set.
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