Sunday, March 13, 2011

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ERA IL 22 MARZO 2010, UN ANNO FA.....

ERA March 22, 2010,

Waiting for Press Conference issued tomorrow by 15 March 2011 " Committee for the autonomy and the relaunch of the Friuli " and the "482 Committee "


TUESDAY 'March 15




will again present a paper published in the weekly "Catholic Life" March 22, 2010, exactly one year ago!

More protection for the Friulian language
The Catholic life UDINE (March 22, 2010)

Submitted the Committee's proposal for autonomy and the relaunch of Friuli

The Constitutional Court in a ruling in 2009 recognized the Friulian language is an element of individual and collective identity of vital importance. Based on this recognition, the Committee for the autonomy and the relaunch of Friuli has drafted a proposal, without any request for funds - has been confirmed - for an increase in protection of the Friulian language that passes through the autonomous status.

The proposal, contained in a document that the Committee will deliver to the Joint Commission-State Region, was described today in Udine (in the photo a moment of) the representatives of the Committee, Arnaldo Baracetti and Gianfranco D'Aronco together to the representatives of the organizations and institutions that have signed it: among them the City, the University and the Province of Udine and the Archdiocese. Also present were the parliamentary Pegorer Carlo (Pd), Pittoni Mario (Lega Nord) and Ferruccio Saro (PDL) and Pietro Fontanini, President of the Province of Udine and member of the Joint Commission.

One of the requests contained in the document is the creation of an identity card bilingual Friulian-Italian to be issued upon request to residents in the municipalities of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia friulanofoni. The Commission also calls on the Committee's commitment to the rules implementing the special status of the Region regarding the provisions of protection of the Friulian language and the teaching curriculum of the discipline is entrusted to the Friuli region, after hearing the Regional Education Office . addition, it was requested that in the places you friulanofone gives priority to teachers who have demonstrated knowledge of the Friulian language and culture before a regional commission. A previously applied for civil servants who know the Friuli, especially for the functions of 'front office. "
"It's going through the rules implementing regional autonomy, as suggested by the same Look, 'he told a news conference Cisilino William, Istitut pre Checo Placereani. "Do not seek more funds are asked only to be able to make better use of resources already available to exercise autonomy as the Autonomous Region on the theme of teaching and, in part, on the production of public office."
Now therefore the commitment goes to the joint committee, chaired by MEP John Collino.


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1° Maggio : Festa dei Lavoratori e Liberazione di Udine e del Friuli

born on 1 May as When the international fight of all workers, without geographical barriers, much less social, to assert their rights, achieve goals, to improve their condition.
"Eight hours work, eight recreation, eight sleeping" was the slogan, coined in Australia in 1855, and shared by most of the organized labor movement of the early twentieth century. It opened the way for claims and general research one day, May 1, in fact, in which all workers could meet to practice a form of struggle and to assert their autonomy and independence.

By a decree dated June 14, 1947 - Disp. 33 - Page 3422 - was granted


Military Valour coll'annesso soprassoldo L. 1500. - The annual

FRIULI and for it to CITTA 'DI UDINE

"Faithful to the traditions of their fathers, hoping to redeem themselves from tyranny to freedom and rebirth, the People Friulano, after September 18, 1943, compact stood against oppression and fascist Germany, arguing for 19 months who knows how to fight a legend . A
domarne resistance, the German drove and launched, in desperate efforts, ravenous hordes of mercenaries, while the fascist venom in the service of barbarism, he betrayed the generous blood of the people. The ardent faith of the people of Friuli value el'indomito win on reprisals, terror, hunger. The radiant day of the insurrection, twenty thousand of its supporters, sided by mountains to the sea, taken with epic heroism to give back to life and freedom in their land. Two thousand six hundred dead, one thousand six hundred wounded, seven were deported, twenty-lost guitar in the spirit that still feel the anxieties and worries in meat and the burning of wounds and torture, witnessed the bloody and glorious sacrifice made by the people to the common parent, and the fires burning country is raised to the sky destroyed the sacred flame of love for Italy and for freedom. "
(September 1943 - May 1945)
The President of the Council of Ministers has issued this patent in order to certify the awarded honorary badge.
Rome, September 19, 1949
The President of the Council of Ministers A. De Gasperi

Registered at the Court of Auditors day of July 10, 1947. Register
President 8 sheet 333.

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LEVANZO, "ERTA and beautiful"

Levanzo The country - the smallest of the islands of Trapani Egadi - in a shooting carried out by Flavio Colutta and published a report in the magazine of the Touring Club of Italy 'Le Vie of Italy ', in February 1955.
"After a few steps outside the town - we read the article - you do not see any more, sometimes giving the illusion of being the only inhabitants of the earth." Years later, the art critic Cesare Brandi has confirmed these impressions, writing that Levanzo "if you take a group of houses in the small port, it seems that there has been no human footprint. And instead were here before the Po Valley in our early ancestors
"The real attraction Egadi Levanzo ... It's not a steep rock, beautiful. The surface of the stone turns gray here and there markings as embers under the ashes, rows of prickly pears and agaves add a tint of green that is so soft a tone just above the gray stone ... The shores of this rock are varied, full of unexpected reasons, and c ' is also a stack, the less extensive than those in Capri, but still a nice spike of rock crumbled like a pyramid ... "
Thus, in 1970, Professor Cesare Brandi - founder of the Central Institute for Restoration of Siena and Professor of Medieval and Modern History of the University of Palermo, and then later in Rome - described in the work 'Sicilia my' published by seller in 1989, the smallest of the islands of Trapani Egadi.
Levanzo, Brandi then remarked that, "even more of the Aeolian islands, if you take a group of houses in the small port, it seems that there has been no human footprint. And instead - still noticed the famous art critic, referring to the presence of known prehistoric paintings and engravings of the cave of the Genovese - were here before in the Po valley, our distant ancestors. "
A similar opinion is expressed in a monthly report published by the TCI 'The Streets of Italy', in February of 1955, which states that the island - then connected to Trapani from the old steam 'Lampedusa' , on Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays - is perhaps the one that most meets the ideal man who seeks the primitive nature. Has only three hundred inhabitants - the anonymous columnist wrote - and you will soon know all the work and the horizons of these people. First, the work of fishing, then there is the pastoral and Parodi vineyards that have planted on the plateau above the town, and that there appeared to be the most charming corner of the island. Is there any shop for the purchase of basic necessities, but the water tank is. After a few steps outside the town you do not see any more, sometimes giving the illusion of being the only inhabitants of the earth .... "

The stack of Levanzo along the SW coast of the island, still the undisputed realm of thousands of seagulls.
In the essay 'Sicilia my' published by seller in 1989, the art critic Cesare Brandi called it "less extensive than those in Capri, but still a nice spike of rock crumbled like a pyramid", the photo is taken from the book 'Sicily', published in 1973 by Editions Fotorapidacolor '

Two more shots of the country taken from the book 'Sicilia', published in 1973 by Editions Fotorapidacolor.
Nowadays, the small island of Egadi attracts a loyal group of visitors in recent years - thanks to the setting of a television set of the series 'Inspector Montalbano' - has a Levanzo growing number of Italian and foreign tourists, they also come from Sweden
In fact, Levanzo still retains the same rugged and natural beauty described by Cesare Brandi and the magazine of the TCI, and although the island keeps his jealous group of fans who attend every month of the year, its clear a few seasons and cold inlets are home to growing groups of swimmers from the blond hair and a Scandinavian language: Swedish tourists, who have known through Levanzo one of the television episodes of Montalbano, in this island that was home to one of his deejay set.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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12 marzo: a difesa della Costituzione

Saturday, March 12 large demonstration in defense of the Constitution throughout Italy. Here the video that promotes the initiative. A Rovigo

the meeting is at 16 in Piazza V. Emanuele (see the ' event on Facebook).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mayo Clinic Gonda Building Cafeteria



Udine, 11 March 2011

of the media





March 15 14.30


(ROOM Kugy)


issued Committee for the Autonomy and the Relaunch of Friuli

and Committee 482 on:



            Verranno affrontati anche i temi che attengono alle trasmissioni RAI in  lingua friulana, al sostegno alla emittenza privata per i programmi in friulano, the adoption of new rules implementing the regional statute in order to teach minority languages \u200b\u200bin schools.

Topics to be covered are still relevant current in the absence of concrete solutions .

Thanks to the presence of Testata che Lei dirige e tanta cordialità.

Prof.Gianfranco D'Aronco

            Una delle ragioni che supportano oggi la “specialità” della Regione è data dalla presenza di ben tre minoranze: slovena, friulana, tedesca.

            Per difendere la “specialità” is certainly not enough to declaim; need to develop appropriate policies with respect to sectors that contribute to "separate" our autonomy.

The protection and enhancement of our minorities back then for the benefit of the whole regional community.

We note however that:

- regional law that provides for the teaching of Friulian in schools (Regional Law 29/2007) is still waiting after years of implementing regulations

- that the issuer has no private funding for regional programs in the Friulian language

- that the public broadcaster RAI treatment (ceased being covered by contributions from the region) Friulian broadcasts despite the prediction of Law 482/1999

- ; that nothing is further from the Joint Commission Member - Region on the adoption of a standard implementation advocated by the Constitutional Court, the Statute for the region's most advanced and modern protection of minority languages


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pcos External Symptoms

Sicily today

Monte Pellegrino and the port of Palermo in a September day.
Photo of Katie Arrius for JOURNALISTS SICILY

Current Price For Cattle Per Pound


Carretto Bagheria on a street in Palermo.
The photo, taken in the seventies by Paolo Di Salvo, is taken from his book 'Two Wheels', published in 2007 by Eugenio Maria Falcone Publisher

How Should Boxing Shoes Fit?

"Goethe was right when he wrote:' without seeing Sicily, you can not get the idea chiara di quello che è l'Italia'. La Sicilia è il modello in scala ridotta dell'Italia per principianti, in cui ogni qualità e ogni difetto nazionale sono esagerati, esasperati e vivacemente colorati"
Luigi Barzini, 'Gli Italiani', Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1964 

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Donne semplici

Last night I also took part in the "Poetry attack" the Committee "If not now, when?" In Rovigo and I must say that the experience was very positive. Were alternately declaimed verses of poets and poets of the feminist tradition (from A to D. Maraini Merini Piercy M. S. Chavez) on the theme of women, but not all. In celebrating

duly and once off the beaten schemi la festa della donna, ho vissuto questa esperienza soprattutto come un modo nuovo per portare messaggi importanti, secondo uno stile che è tutto nostro: uno stile diretto, gentile ed appassionato, che tutte ci accomuna nella difesa dei diritti della donna, e come lei di tutti coloro che sono “ultimi”, e nella difesa dei principi che sono alla base della nostra democrazia.
Chiunque se la sentisse ha potuto salire sul piccolo “palco” per leggere una delle poesie che il comitato aveva scelto o per leggerne una da lei/lui scelta per l'occasione.

Io, del tutto inesperta nel settore, in previsione, avevo scartabellato a lungo nel mio piccolo archivio che contiene più che altro brani di cantautori of the seventies. Loved that one part it says that "The times are about to change" and the other that "The power is in the hands of the people." Fit like a glove for this time of change.
But doubt that Women's Day was not the right occasion (because basically these are issues to be dealt with calmly, as they need to, in the days ahead of us), made me give up.
And then the piece does not make it without music.

So finally my search has landed on a poem-prayer of Tagore on the greatness of simplicity. Propose again below the "my" contribution to the initiative, I wish all women who know how to be simple to be able to make a difference:

"O God of Life / decapitates my desires: / struggling with the size / just to obtain a void. / Commit themselves earnestly / to conquer the world / then only for / a grain of mustard. / Do you mix the small kingdom / desires / and give me great possession / happiness. /
are especially to be desired, / all and always, the joys / priceless and unattainable / treasures unsolicited, / that in a thousand forms, / by the light of dawn / the darkness of the night, / have created endless riches / on earth and in heaven. / Who will bring these joys to large and simple / as hosts of lotus in full bloom and from the midst of heaven, / water and earth / in throwing arm / current simplicity? "
(from NOIBEDDO - R. Tagore)

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L. R. 2/2011 - Finanziamenti al sistema universitario regionale - Commento

LR 17 February 2011, No. 2


Regional Official Bulletin
n.008 of 23/2/2011






March 2011


With a large majority vote, the Regional Council approved, after a long process that began a year ago, the Law for the University and for the Conservatives in the region.
The Committee for the Autonomy of Friuli and the revival has given several times (starting from the hearing in cognitive Commission meeting), a critical contribution - constructive and proactive in order to improve the text originally submitted.
E' positivo l'aver previsto che per l'assegnazione dei fondi regionali si debba tener conto, in aggiunta ad altri requisiti, anche di “criteri perequativi” a parziale compensazione delle mancate o limitate erogazioni statali. E' l'antica questione del “sottofinanziamento” che oggi riguarda Udine e che domani potrebbe riguardare Trieste, questione che la Regione non può sanare ma che non può neppure ignorare.
         Va dato atto agli esponenti di tutti i Gruppi Consiliari, relatori ed Assessore in particular, on efforts to find solutions that respect the regional context, even if, as often happens, some problems remain open.
As for the "Regional Conference of the university system", body pretty crowded, we hope to do in practice and perspective view of the important tasks which it has under the law.
It should be noted that compared to months ago certainly changed the "climate" of the debate on the issue in State College.
Then he often spoke of the "Foundation" - public as a means of raising funds in support of the University and management of themselves. Today we talk about this. And it's also good because it does not just create a new container for new media especially in times of economic difficulty as the present.
It 'good to talk of "rewarding" and "regional university system" in which cooperation and competition coexist between universities as a prerequisite for important results of "quality" that are in the interest of the regional community.
This is the right way forward, not one that from time to time someone points out, the University only. The reasons are many and well known.
E 'the Region, subject to "specific" and "identity" of each university should develop policies careful, balanced, organic. A role that this also requires financial resources. E 'appreciates the additional allocation was added to the law not only for 2012 but for 2013. Serve however continuity over time and integrated manner.
A comprehensive evaluation on the law? frankly do not have the caliber of a major law or reform, I think, had the ambition to be. It 's a "good law" working with some innovative ideas though, as noted, not limited to the issues being raised.
Here is grafted an additional argument, perhaps the most important primarily from the perspective attribution to the Region, in the name of federalism , skills, now has, on the University. Whoever believes in the autonomy can only be a matter of principle for the transfer of all time more responsibilities from the State to the Region. But we must see how and under what conditions. With an increase in the regional partnership to taxes collected by the state in the region? With the simple transfer of funds that now the state allocates entity is insufficient to inequalities and University of Trieste and Udine? These are issues to be explored, to be evaluated carefully on the side of the "charges" not to be "discovered." The example of Trentino, a reality different from ours, should not be relied on uncritically, but it seriously "weighed". If you want to invoke new powers we start from the bottom with the subject "education."
         Sarebbe poi utile che la Regione facesse uno studio serio su ciò che l'acquisizione della competenza “Università” comporta nel medio lungo periodo.
         Stiamo sempre attenti a non dar vita ad operazioni che gioverebbero si allo Stato ma che potrebbero non giovare alla Regione.
         final issue with specific regard to the preparation of a new statute of the University of Friuli.
Without going into details of what will be the "statutory instrument" is to emphasize the positive attraction of the Chancellor to "function", in a sense particular, of the University Friulano is that, as the saying so often quoted Article 26 of Law 546 of 1977 (Law on Reconstruction and the Establishment of the University), "to contribute to civil progress, social and economic revival of the Friuli and staff to become a tool for development and renewal of the original strands of culture, language, traditions and history of Friuli. "
; This is to clarify in the fundamental, what is the mission of our university

Roberto Dominici
- -------

La lettera è stata pubblicata

 il 4 marzo 2011

sul Settimanale


How Much Cost To Colouring A Motorbike


Sopra e sotto, due vedute palermitane di una Conca d'Oro ancora sostanzialmente integra realizzate tra il 1952 ed il 1957 dal fotografo Leonard Van Matt; gli scatti - realizzati dalla zona di Altofonte, verso la piana di Palermo e le verso le campagne di Monreale - sono tratti dall'opera 'La Sicilia Antica', edito da Stringa Editore Genova  

Conca d’Oro: una denominazione territoriale che richiama subito alla memoria Palermo e la Sicilia , diffusasi nella città spagnola del secolo XVI ed oggi consegnata alle memorie di vecchi cronisti o viaggiatori; come l’archeologo e scrittore americano William Agnew Paton, che, nel 1902, poteva descrivere l’”incantevole distesa” di quasi 100 chilometri squares of orange groves, olive trees, almond trees, groups of agave, yucca and palm trees.

There are many views of Palermo and essays published in books, for the most part, these are photos taken from the slope of Mount Pellegrino looking towards the harbor. One of these - rather rare because color and from the early fifties of last century - still shows the dominance of those built on farmland.
Image - Photographer Patrice Molinard - is taken from the book 'Sicily', published in France by 'the Duke' for the series 'Couleurs du Monde'

Even at the end of the nineteenth century, the geographer Fisher compared the valley to a huge seagull Palermo, whose large wings stretched - from East and West - from Cape to Cape Gallo Mongerbino the tail - Fisher explained - crept through the mountains of Monreale and Alton, while the head seemed to sink the real sea.

Mannerist A view of the Conca d'Oro Gibilrossa, favorite place viewing the expanse of citrus groves, olive, almond and vineyards now mostly removed from the speculation. Only between 1953 and 1966, Palermo saw increases of 125 per cent urban housing surface. The photo - signed by TCI - is published in 'Sicily', the series 'Through Italy', published by the Italian Touring Club in 1933

Above and below Two shots of the Conca d'Oro di Italo Zannier, the first head is made from Monreale to Saffron, the second from the slopes of Monte Pellegrino to the area of \u200b\u200bthe plain of the Hills, who a few years would have been overrun by subdivisions avenue of Strasbourg. The photos are layers opera 'The Coast of Italy - Sicily', Eni Milan, 1968
Until the mid-twentieth century, the green area had retained its agricultural vocation, according to various distribution of plants and Bonagia Pallavicino vineyards, olive groves to Thomas Christmas, San Lorenzo and Cardillo, a citrus Ciaculli, and Bonagia Falsomiele Romagnolo and field crops to water and the Corsairs.

Above, an eloquent document of the rapid growth urban housing in Palermo during the years of what has been chronicled mafia to memory as "the sack of the city: the classical volume of the Teatro Massimo, and behind, the INA skyscraper, with its budding close buildings.
The photograph is taken from 'The Streets of Italy' in May 1960, at a time when the slogan of Salvo Lima was mayor "Palermo is beautiful, let's even more beautiful."
In this photo, a subdivision in the Malaspina district, in the late fifties, in an area that until a few years ago was dominated by orange groves
Many decades later - in 1960, in the middle period of the so-called 'building lot' of Palermo, which would have wiped out much of the floral wealth from Piana dei Colli Bagheria from Monreale to Ciaculli - Google Stephen would have written that the basin is a complete and indivisible body, a real territorial unity and community that should be considered in both studies, both in urban planning: a case - that of Di Stefano, incredibly short-sighted of environmental destruction and landscape then in place, thanks to the pouring of concrete in the sixties and seventies changed the face area of \u200b\u200bPalermo: the wild speculation that in Palermo, only between 1953 and 1966, had increased by 125 per cent of the urban housing surface.

The area of \u200b\u200bsports facilities, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Parco della Favorita, Palermo, in which the green of the Conca d'Oro ranged up on the slopes of Mount Pellegrino. From left to right, the athletics stadium on Palm, the former football stadium ' La Favorita '- now' Renzo Barbera '- and the racecourse. The shooting is Fotocielo and was published in 'Sicily' necklace 'Through Italy', published by the Italian Touring Club in 1961
The estimate of how difficult it was built: the sources of the City Planning Division, however, evaluate in 300 million cubic meters of residential buildings built in Palermo after the war until the nineties of last century.

Buildings urban assault of the Conca d'Oro, Palermo from the center of the area that looks towards the slopes of Gibilrossa: photography, created by Fotocielo is published in 'Sicily' necklace 'Through Italy', published by the Italian Touring Club in 1961

above, the proposed subdivision of the district of New Village, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Conca d'Oro called Passo di Rigano.
The plan of Palermo in 1962 gave way to an impressive work of overbuilding in the city, abandoning any possibility of restructuring the old town, badly damaged by bombs in 1943.
The speculation of those years, entrusted by the policy makers related to the mafia, did not take into account the protection of the great natural heritage represented by the old suburban agricultural areas.
Below, a photo of the building boom created by the photographer from Palermo Josip Ciganovic

The construction of new buildings on the one hand, was met by the need to recover the 70,000 rooms in the old town destroyed by bombing 1943; the other hand, new buildings were built in the suburbs is there to hold the large mass of Sicilians who found work in the city became the capital of the immense bureaucracy of the Sicilian Region. To make building the havoc that marked the loss of the Conca d'Oro, we thought the builders physically linked to mafia families and politicians, the mafia that got the votes to guide local governments, beginning with the Municipality, as the proceedings of the Parliamentary Anti-mafia are many testimonies on record number of building permits granted by Salvo Lima - author of the building-election slogan 'Palermo is beautiful , let's do even better '- and Vito Ciancimino.

The 'absurd cluster of houses "built in the area of \u200b\u200bwhat used to be far away now could be called the Conca d'Oro, as defined in 1982 by writer Camilla Cederna; photography is once again Italo Zannier
In 1982, the effects of such a policy planning Camilla Cederna did write to the island's capital had become "absurd a cluster of houses, one attached to another, all forms and colors ... a gangrene that has eaten the capital: a city so disfigured that can not be a city sick .... "
To understand the value of the loss of the Conca d'Oro, finally, you can still sum up what he wrote nine years before Cederna in his essay 'The landscape aesthetics' the philosopher nissen Rosario Assunto: of that landscape - considerò Assunto - “non si può non sentire il rimpianto, come di una luce che si sia spenta sul mondo”.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is There Any Living Pokemon



Miercus ai March 9 di
in part from five sotsere (17.00) ,
DREE came

to present dai il secont siei «Gnognosaurs» dentri dal spazi «L’Ora delle Storie» , organizât de Sezion Fruts de Biblioteche Civiche   “V. Joppi”   pai fruts dai 4 ai 8 agns. Jentrade provisorie bande Place Marconi 8
Mercoledì 9 marzo, dalle 17.00, presso la Sezione Ragazzi della Biblioteca civica “V.Joppi” di Udine, ingresso provvisorio da Piazza Marconi, 8, l’autore Andrea Venier presenterà il suo libro a fumetti: " GNOGNOSAURS 2 "
The Time Stories, the weekly's story on Wednesday organized by the Youth Section of the Public Library "V. Joppi "for children from 4 to 8 years, offers every Wednesday of the month, in the segment" Stories with glasses "exploration of a register illustrated with focus on author, publisher, illustrator, equity related securities: a study with the lens, then, to learn more about the most popular children's publishing work