Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Do Male Stripper Tie Their Penis

What 'Force of the South' , the party founded in the days recently by Gianfranco Micciche, once one of the promoters of 'Forza Italy' island? What is your government program, what is your plan to ensure economic and social development to Sicily? Especially as ideal force, which will of the people have given impetus to the creation of the new movement?
At a time of crisis in light of the national political system - and while the League's Bossi itself as one movement deeply rooted in the territory, because it is representative of popular ideals, and the Federalists 'Northerners' - which offers opportunities to create of Sicily and southern parties, lacking a strong base of expectation popular?
are questions perhaps natural in those who still hope for a clear line of policy development in Sicily, and the potential of an island - in the Italian social landscape confused in recent months, and at a time of frightening economic involution - should give more and more compelling evidence of a 'beating of wings', taking account, in fact, a real boost to the collective ideal, the only one that guarantees the value and depth to political action, away from the power games of groups and groups of political demagogues and journeyman.


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