Come altri prima di me, lo avevo lasciato (qualcuno forse aggiungerà "giustamente") alla sua politica e alla sua gente piena di contraddizioni, delusa per la perdita di alcune importanti battaglie ambientaliste, fatte assieme ad altri, in comitati e in partiti troppo piccoli qui nel Polesine per contare nel momento del voto. I miei assidui lettori le ricorderanno, e del resto si possono ripercorrere le tappe qui nel mio blog attraverso i numerosi post dell'epoca.
Ricordo le manifestazioni contro il Terminal gasiero di Porto Levante e quelle contro la centrale a Porto Tolle: Despite the enthusiasm and participation, at the end of our weight was always less than that, in a nutshell, the "compensation" in the territory by large companies, expressed in terms of millions of euro, and promises of thousands of phantom jobs. We can blame a political class (and forgive me but I must say trade union), which euphemistically described as "shortsighted." And perhaps a bit 'up with our inability to engage people and to widen the protest, so as to make us more credible interlocutors. But what really busy with our means.
In support of these battles, and it was an unforgettable event, was also Beppe Grillo, the headquarters Province of Rovigo in the evening and on the Piazza di Porto Viro. Then, in December of 2007, we came to the rescue even Greenpeace, making us hope that all was not lost.
Since then many things have changed and the time seems to have contributed more than anything to make it even stronger than our opponents, as well as having sown in the Park picnic areas, a terrible sense of abandonment.
So in retrospect, it seems impossible, but our little battles a little 'depressing and "useless", but were useful, very useful indeed: at least served to fuel a political debate on the defense of our territory and that of others.
debate to tell the truth now seems to have sunk o forse essere scomparso, ma che se riemerge può ancora essere ascoltato e spingere nella giusta direzione chi ha il potere di compiere scelte importanti.
Ricordo le manifestazioni contro il Terminal gasiero di Porto Levante e quelle contro la centrale a Porto Tolle: Despite the enthusiasm and participation, at the end of our weight was always less than that, in a nutshell, the "compensation" in the territory by large companies, expressed in terms of millions of euro, and promises of thousands of phantom jobs. We can blame a political class (and forgive me but I must say trade union), which euphemistically described as "shortsighted." And perhaps a bit 'up with our inability to engage people and to widen the protest, so as to make us more credible interlocutors. But what really busy with our means.
In support of these battles, and it was an unforgettable event, was also Beppe Grillo, the headquarters Province of Rovigo in the evening and on the Piazza di Porto Viro. Then, in December of 2007, we came to the rescue even Greenpeace, making us hope that all was not lost.
Since then many things have changed and the time seems to have contributed more than anything to make it even stronger than our opponents, as well as having sown in the Park picnic areas, a terrible sense of abandonment.
So in retrospect, it seems impossible, but our little battles a little 'depressing and "useless", but were useful, very useful indeed: at least served to fuel a political debate on the defense of our territory and that of others.
debate to tell the truth now seems to have sunk o forse essere scomparso, ma che se riemerge può ancora essere ascoltato e spingere nella giusta direzione chi ha il potere di compiere scelte importanti.
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