La mia medicina senza controindicazioniiiii!
Sciarlòt, Sciaròòòòlt, non capisco niente quando sei con me, ma che giorno èèèèè, mi mandi in tilt come un videogeiiiiiiiiiiiiim!
Niente, volevo rendervi partecipi di cosa stava passando (passando? uhm... cantando? Allietando? vabbé, quello) in questo momento su Radio Suby, la radio adatta per quando si fanno le pulizie.
Ti ritrovi a sculettare con lo scopettone in mano, come una vera massaia che si rispetti.
Sedere di qua, sedere di là, mossetta, giro su te stessa, scopettone e goo!
Tun cià, tun tun cià, a tempo! Cacchio, sto perdendo il fazzoletto in testa!
Tun cià, tun tun cià!
Eccolo qui l'utile, and a duty, post!
'm sick, so sick. And when they are sick mangy, mangy much like a dog neutered or an old acid from which the antenna has stopped working just as Rig Bruce said in the episode-number 3438746387 - who between them can no longer work, because they too many lives and because she does not dress in the style of Forrester, but more like a woman For (r) east-a. Uga uga!
Well, I'm getting used to new with Mocciola, with Clinecs and company, and with that headache you do not even spring for a moment and that makes ... CIA tun, tun tun CIA!
So I'm here all alone and abandoned, with my shakes fishing (but beware: the trentaquattropercento is based on fishing, everything else is grape, banana and apple juice. So just know the fishing is.).
I said. The shakes pescauvabananamela crakerss and olives. They are my only friends at this time.
House of Grande Bordello is silent, if not for Suby tun CIA and bla bla bla, and the only funny thing of the day was arrange the clothes hanger with an attack of art. I made a sort of labyrinth of clothes hanging-because-it's raining outside and I'm waiting for Arianna will be able to get out and escape from the Minotaur (was he? My reminiscences classic ultimately hold water on all sides).
You also understand that my situation pisssicologggica today is not the best, is leaking all over her as well, incidentally.
andarmi I decided to take the pail and put a blanket on him man of the forest type (precisely) and honor, so, my reputation as home of "Miss Cover", the housewife of all the housewives. Then I'll make a loner.
Now that's life, right? End
helpful post, just to make up the numbers scribbled (but that number from?).
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