Last post on December 3. But this will never end in December
slut Peppa?
job, people start to go mad more and more as it approaches the birth of the little boy and his friends donkey and ox. They enter the toy store that seem desperate: all sweaty, with trolleys full of useless things (l'ultima che ho visto è stato il babbo natale a grandezza naturale che spara la neve e canta canzonicine incomprensibili con la voce uguale a quella di Cristiano Malgioglio) passeggini e bambini urlanti, con liste lunghissime e poca voglia di cercare. Allora ti si buttano addosso e ti chiedono 167636876879 cose al secondo, e tu vorresti avere un telecomando, premere "pause", aspettare che tutti si immobilizzino e urlare: "Sapete che c'è di nuovo? Andatevene nel paese delle renne voi, Cristiano Malgioglio, e la Winx!".
Ok. Che dicevo? Cristiano Malgioglio...uhm...si, delle liste dei giocattoli.
L'altro giorno una felice e decorata coppia di nonni arriva da me e da Cri, l'altro commesso the store, and makes us: "Excuse me, did you skate?".
We, in unison: "You must go to the sports section, gentlemen, here in this department there are."
And the sweet old lady, always in unison (to us because we like it): "Ah, but then we were wrong shop Franco."
Cri and I, we looked at, full of compassion, and we left.
In all this, which is tomorrow-Thursday, to remind myself-I have an exam and I still have to finish to come back (and study, perchènnnò) almost anything. And
ultimis (Since it was the first place and secundis) I'm fighting with puzzle pieces by Klimt that is making me lose the right: all flowers and women wrong (it is said also abstract, but here on this side are we really down to earth). I'll never stop? For posterity will judge.
Ah! In ultimiss ultimiss I got tickets from The apostrophe for January 12 at the Auditorium of Rome. Contentment from under me I can!
Greetings from Cristiano very glam.
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