Orso Yoghi all'orizzonte.
Here is the useful post!
had been away for a while, all taken from high society parties, "shampagn" that flows in rivers, in uips ognidddove, stalwart ... Okke big man, the tears.
I have a cold. But not any cold, but cold.
sign that I, in life, I do not ever want to miss anything (sorry, I would like) the best. Only the best of what I really do not never arrive, while better than what I would not always get the onion ... oh God, but I'm saying? Scattered
Home tissues such as small pieces of bread crumbs of Hansel & Gretel, not sleeping at night because of the guilt for all the uprooted trees to collect my Mocciola.
The parable of the differences of life: some guests, host, hosting wonderful words written by the most famous writers of the world, the other host of a poor Mocciola affected.
Well, if you're thinking that other trees should be worse, I even thought I've got. They, however, devote a special quibble, you will agree with me on the delicacy of the topic. I
Elisiaca started to listen to.
Never mind that you do not you care. For me it's an important thing! Lately my ears, for whatever weird voodoo ritual, the despised, tried another, other emotions, other melodies, ohh word. More.
Now I miss her, I missed a stroke as one does with his poodle Cidda, open them (now I should say "smell the paper," but I do not feel a ficus benjamin), and dream. As I have always done.
Thursday I'm going to hear Patrick Laquidara. I will be a huge sneeze on "Balance is a miracle," everyone will run, and I'll show all the teeth, even those at the end of the trial.
Festival dei trigliceridi. returning from a baptism. If only I had not been sure it was just a christening, I might as well think that we were celebrating a wedding, the wedding of gold, bronze, silver, diamond, topaz, of silver and carbon ( for the most unpleasant). All along, of course.
Here's lunch, something very tricu tricu (to remind me I'm screwed the menu at the restaurant, probably incornicerò as proof of participation in the marathon Niu fish):
The coccheteil welcome (a 'whole form of Grana Padano carved directly from Mastro Geppetto, full of flags of every state the world - which flags would then be fatal to children, with the game "to see who is blind before," any kind of fried, diced ham as big as the Lego cubes, celery stuffed with tuna, olives, mozzarella GM and bla bla bla, all washed down with a 'whole plantation of grapes).
The hot and cold appetizers : fishes of all kinds, a braid of buffalo mozzarella that he would burst with envy Rapunzel (and also the prince, tie), other fried foods on which I have not even laid the eye, for avoid falling to the ground in agony and bla bla bla.
risotto with scampi with lemon scent of the Sorrento coast : It was like a bite to eat or swallow the Arbre Magique Nelsen degreaser.
paccheri The harmony of sea : twenty-five minutes I thought good about who has the interesting character who deals with the names of the dishes (sea of \u200b\u200bharmony What the hell does that mean? That eat them, and suddenly you feel lighter? Paccheri hallucinogenic mushrooms are filled with chopped parsley, to throw off?). For posterity will judge.
The fried shrimp and calamari : awful scene. Children who took the rings and prawns them into your ears by way 'of earrings (you see what it means to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Gionni Dep their age?), Mothers sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi che non riuscivano a correre dietro ai loro pargoli, evidentemente appesantite. Poveri gamberi, mi sono detta. Cornuti e imapanati.
L'insalata riccia con il pomodoro pachino : è soddisfacente sentire signore un pò attempate, con i lobi delle orecchie quasi fino al pavimento per l'improbabile peso dei loro brillocchissimi orecchini, dire: "oh, finalmente qualcosa di leggero, almeno anche oggi non ho saltato proprio tutto tutto tutto quello che la dietologa mi ha schiaffato nella dieta". Massì, arricciamoci il calzino e vai col tango.
Il sorbetto al limone : il must di queste occasioni. L'elemento più acclamato, la colonna portante di ogni event. It owes its fame to the certainty of drinking and flatulence immediately issue an airline can awaken the squid and make them dance a salsa (though perhaps the last thing I would like to hear your name is the word sal-sa) in a row on the table ("Down here are all happy, darting here and there; instead on land the fish is very sad, encased in a ball that bad fate will be if the man will be a little hungry the fish Papper! At the end of maaaar in the fondoo maaaar "and bla bla bla, putting even a tie end. For the complete text, see" Songs of protest fishici edition Omega three).
pineapple maraschino : Half a pineapple carved Always trust by Geppetto. I imagined the old ladies to cheer for the fat would burn in quell'idilliaco time. Finally, a fresh pineapple and not to the taste of freeze-dried pills Ciupa ciups rhubarb! From all'untore! By the dietician!
baptismal cake: with plans of more-alas-"They were Tauers Tuin. One with good sight-not me, of course, could also see the elevators inside. It does not add anything else.
Coffee : just to understand, to those who still had any doubt that in that room there were eng (g) ian, flesh-and-bone-so-logical, few.
In all this, the real celebration, the baby has reached double ration of milk (double measure precisely because it is the "Baptism").
not bat an eyelid not?