Velvet Underground. Rumori e schitarrate. Oggi va così. D'altronde è domenica, e io -per chi ancora non lo sapesse- odio la domenica. C'è un'aria che non mi piace, e la gente sembra quasi mettersi d'accordo per essere scorbutica e io perdo solo tempo in inutili pippe mentali.
Ora non ho nemmeno niente da fare fino ad ottobre e tutto ciò mi ovatta il cervello (ovunque esso sia in questo momento).
Anzi, maybe I should make the new curriculum this year! Except that, right now, hear about university gives me a rash on the joints.
Two exams in a week I have tried, without counting the number of strikes that means there's always like cheese on macaroni.
My laptop is still missing in assistance, but who does not care who is?
Meanwhile I let Nico continues to sing. I wish I had a time machine and take a big step backwards.
Freaks. Conspiracy
Good day Good day. What troubled
night! Yesterday I went to sleep groped for the two to write a well done message above (which now will try to re-write) with a series of beautiful paintings. I do not know which of the stars, not favored me from publishing it. This morning about six o'clock there was a gardener cutting the grass, and he did it for a couple of hours, with that "BRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRR E" of the machine. Then I arrived and my aunts have had the bright idea to get a conversation - a voice far above the norm, in my balcony while I was trying to sleep with the window open for the heat. Then entered my father telling me "Sorry, eh, I have to send an urgent mail. In case you were sleeping". I do not write my answer, or I could catch a note on the register. Then the phone, which rang continually with no response. Then my father is (re) entered the room saying: "The first email has not arrived, the rewrite. So now you are awake is not it?".
These are those moments when I would much, but much, to live alone. My silence, the dust, my books, the phone off the hook, a cup of coffee drunk in bed with some music. Utopias, at least for the moment.
Good! But let us! Ssssiori Ssssiore and I discovered the existence of a talented painter (and last night's post was meant to be, in fact, Memorial). You
Camille Rose Garcia was born in Los Angeles in 1970. Shuffle graphics retro 'first animated film (in fact, is inspired by Walt Disney, among others) with the most' recent tradition of urban murals, screaming. Investigate aspects of decadence, deception and corruption of power through images fairy tales, populated by deer, princesses and aliens, cream cakes with black, crystal castles on which flutter sometimes, like crows claims, written provocative and denunciation. No bellerrimi? A mix of "A Night Before Christmas" and "Corpse Bride" Tim Burton (**) and Disney's fantoccini old, the very first drawings clearly marked.
Epppoi colors are beautiful, textured, bright.
(**) Speaking of Tim! Oh Tim! A friend of mine has kindly pointed out that in the not too distant future (end of 2007? 2008? For the difficult decision of audiovisual) will release his new film "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber 'with Jonny Deep. The film comes from a musical by Stephen Sondheim and Wheeler Hug in 1979 and tells the story of Ben Baker, a London barber full of Victorian era that went to prison for error, to avenge the slaughter practices of its customers and then prepare the tasty meat pies with his beloved wife and distribute them around the city. Veronica
very curious.
Heck, put them all!
My laptop, my beautiful black baby laptop, just two months, with the stripes on the floor as the Ramblas, has left me. I went to turn it on and happy and carefree Zac! Dead. Caput. It was the HP Pavilion (Pascal).
I can not do with a reason!
Why? Why deceived me, deluded and abandoned like this?
I knew I had to take it girl!
And now? All my hard work and university are kept in there for obvious reasons, I have to stick to the tram, as it usually says.
This is the price you pay for having complete trust in a machine! But then, heck, who do I have the confidence? Humans no, not the technology, myself, lately, much less.
today are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Indeed, we have already arrived.
Let no one speak to me of ram, bit, check, Dale.
Sunny Road.
As someone says: Buonssalve!
There is great excitement in the air. Runs huge appetite for music of all kinds and from every continent, and books. A first and foremost, I have tried so-and found-and now read: The Little Prince. And then countries, stations, mountains, hills, meadows and green trees. Desire to travel and take photographs. And concerts, exhibitions, festivals, films. Anything I awake from the torpor of that last summer in search of me, other, new things and things that I'm on the road, but never lived through.
If you are looking soft atmosphere, as you read a book in the light of a bulb, I recommend Emiliana Torrini (half Italian, half-Icelandic), especially the album "Fisherman's Woman". I discovered today. The sounds are very relaxing, gentle, and his voice reminds me a little that of Norah Jones, although this is extremely subjective sensations.
I wish you good day, anyone who passes by here.